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just wondering

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Im just wondering. How many people have ever had feelings towards people that they simply couldnt explain. feelings towards friends, feelings towards acquaintances?

How many of you people have had feelings that you sometimes simply DONT want to have, yet they somehow sneak up on you?

Feelings that seem wrong, but if u give in to them, so right?

Feelings that make you do things you have never done before, life write poetry, or appreciate nature. feelings that make you want to be nicer to the world, to appreciate the world and everything around it.



Has anyone else ever felt this?


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Sort of, I think I get what you are saying. There was this girl that I really liked, but not in the sense that I wanted to go out with her, but it was more than friendship. I'm still friends with her and I don't feel the same any more. But when I did it was really odd, as I couldn't explain why I liked her so much.

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well its good in a bittersweet way to know that im not the only one here. Its really hard to understand sometimes and really hard to know why. try as hard as one might, its reaslly hard to let things go or let things be. sometimes it comes back as dreams or merely a daydream that u didnt kno was happening. fantasies that make u literally slap urself. (no joke. i actually slapped myself in the head a couple of times) completely frustrating.

does it fade? sometimes i really hope it does, but then at other times i like it. it feels as though giving in would feel so good. but then u realise u shudnt. its like fighting tempation. but its not exactly temptation. its more of a battle inside oneself.

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i totally know what you were saying, ive had moments where ive just needed to write it down, its just like a really weird yet good feeling, kinda of exciting but yet you shouldnt be feeling it, or sometimes it quite sad and it makes you look at life in another perspective if you know what i mean. sometimes it makes you feel like youre going to explode with the new rush of emotion.



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