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Do you ever feel overwhelmed?

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I feel so overwhelmed at times by everything around me. Lately I've been trying to live for the "moment" rather than live in the "past" or "future" I tend to get caught up in my own thoughts at times, rather than just being happy with what I have and who I'm with and all I've been blessed with. At times when I'm alone I can be so negative about things that really shouldn't matter, I've been reading a lot of psychology books lately that have helped me gain perspective into myself and why I think the way I do. I think the most interesting aspect I've learned so far in change your brain, change your life is that you can inherit genetic behaviors. You ever wonder why you act so much like your parents?


Ramble, Ramble, Ramble on...

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I totally agree with the comments made in this post, almost as if I had written it myself!!


I (too) am studying psychology for my own peace of mind and it has become a very big passion of mine!


It makes me so much more aware of the games that others are playing and it really does make me wonder why people lie, hate or steal!!


Of course you learn about the good compulsions too, sex!! It is thoroughly interesting and fulfilling to study...I recommend it to anyone!


Who is the Author of the book that you mentioned?

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I haven't finished with the book yet, but its very good:

Change Your Brain, Change Your Life: The Breakthrough Program for Conquering Anxiety, Depression, Obsessiveness, Anger, and Impulsiveness



I'm currently reading this book:


by Terrence Real This book has made me believe I suffer from covert depression and that I often seek out ways to satisify my depression through addiction. So far its explained some very interesting case studies and for the first time in my life, I'm considering seeing a psychologist to deal with my own family issues from the past.


I agree that sex can be a good compulsion as long as it isn't depended upon!


Let me give you an example: In my last relationship that lasted 2 years, it all came down to sex. (yeah... every guys fantasy right?) Well I realized I wasn't happy and ended the relationship because I had originally thought that was the cause but now I realize it all ties back to my past. I went out with her cause she was nuturing and giving me the attention my mom never did when I was a child. I was also very family orientated in that relationship, I had dinner with her family all the time, I slept over at her house all the time, and we got along great. But what I was doing was I was disguising and manipulating the family for my own self satisifacation and sense of security. When I broke up with her, I no longer had the sex to depend on and so my self worth was back to an unhealthy level, for a long time I've hid from my problems through drinking, drugs, gambling, sex, etc. I'm finally crossing a path in which I've chosen to find the truth at the crossroads, where its going to lead me, only god knows.

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Just being aware of your problems can help alot. Being in between relationships, and really doing some soul-searching helps you to feel better. I can't tell where you are going, but going to a psychologist could help you to air the details of the family secrets and get someone's point of view.


There was another good book that I read a couple of years ago, called Excess Baggage, by Judith Silles...My first psychology class that I took was called gender differences, and the professor who taught it was this sort of older sirly sort of fellow...I had a tone of baggage to unload in this class,,,the prof was always saying to me, you have a lot of excess baggage, and for the life of me, I didn't know what he meant, I actually had him a second semester, and in the break I found that book in the library, and I started to read it and it is really helpful...it explains why certain people are drawn to certain people.


There was another good book called the Intimate Male? Something like that, I'll look and see the title of it.


I just took a class on Social Psychology, and that put into detail the way that my family behaves too.

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i can really relate to you, i tell myself quite a lot of times just to look at things in such a simple light but i dont seem to see it that way. i get caught up in a though or something triggers an oppinion, enough for me to think for hours, im not saying its all negative i mean i can daydream about positive things aswell. but i do recently seem to get stuck on something so simple and rational and make it into something huge.


i have taken psychology and learn quite alot through it, but i dont see why i analyse too much, fo you to answer that one and cure me it would be a MIRACLE! lol.


but yeah i have felt overwhelmed or exposed! thats another one.


anyway im rambling.



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