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i feel like some thing is wrong and icant figure it out

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hey all. its good to be back and posting again, i've been pretty busy.


but i have a problem. see, my problem is that im a happy person, i mean, well that doesnt sound like a problem i guess. but lately it seems like...im too happy. im always laughing, joking, and i guess i dont come accross as serious or believable. i talk to my friends a lot and its becoming a problem in classes. people call me "hyper" or "spacey" a lot. i dont act hyper or excited on purpose. i dont do it for attention. but i realize that when i act this way, other people get very frustrated and annoyed with me and i dont realise my behavior until after. i've tried to to get a control over my constant trying to entertain people, but i just cant. i lose control over myself and become very bold and i sometimes say things i dont mean. its a real problem that i want to have control over. its even becoming a problem in my relationships with guys. i have been dumped for these kinds of things and its a turn off. if anyone has any avice for me to become calmer and more aware of my actions, id greatly appreciate it.

thank you.

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Hello fortune,


Been in your shoes for most of my teens. Never passed up an opportunity to have a laugh or to crack a joke. But in the end, people start to perceive you as shallow.


On the other hand, people tend to disguise their insecurities by becoming extroverts.... I realized this much later in life...


Hope it helps.

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