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i am a very sensitive person. I always have been. What makes it worse is that I have a hormonal condition, so it contributes to my depression. I have never been able to talk openly about how I feel without someone putting me down. "There are people that have it worse". "You're too sensitive". etc. etc.


I have been caring for my elderly grandma for 10 years now and its the hardest thing I've been through. She's just a mean woman. She gives us no privacy. I kid you not she listens to me use the bathroom, then tells people! so much!


I never post anything on FB except for funny memes or videos, but this morning I posted "Broken". I was refferring to my reproductive condition, knowing that those close to me would get it. Well my aunt, who has no clue, decided to comment "what are you crying about now".


And thats how im spoken to constantly. I'm sorry if my emotions arent valid enough for other people but I thought its healthy to be able to talk to someone and say "hey I just feel really low lately".


That's all. I feel really low. I wish I had more uplifting people in my life because I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of negative a**holes.

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