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My cuzin needs help but i ono what to do

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My cuzin is one year like younger than me shes like 12 me and her have usually done everythign together were pretty tite n like i no she cuts n stuff but i dont kare cuz i do too but the only thing is she got grounded for a stupid reason and partly my fault but she is gettin mader each and everyday now shes takin like 4 or more asprins at a time tryin to give herself an overdose cuz she hates her life iv told her how much i kare about her and that shes like is a big part of my life n she it was coo i was like that but shes still thinkin about takin more she said last time she took 6 and she got dizzy and the lighst wuz changin colors i love my cuzin but im lost i dk how to make her stop everyday she says how muhc she hates her parents and how she wants to live with me but its not gonna happen what should i do?

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ok listen if u want to stop her from taking it too far you have to tel someone! this happened to my sister so i understand you love her! she got givin counselling as did i and as u make an impression on her because you are so close if you say to her that u want help or if u go with her then maybe u can do so! but i'll say one thing i dont want to hurt u in any way but this behavioure happens all the time i mean if she wanted to really hurt herself she would i think she is just missing somethin like she wants to talk to someone!she will get better if u stand by her! and You must tell someone that can take this responcibiltiy as your 13 ! its not fair but i hope you can pluck up the courage and see it as not being a snitch she will understand if she gets better!

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Not wanting to be a snitch is fine, unless the person is doing something that is harmful to them. You have to consider whats more important, not telling on her or her health? She needs help to work through what she is feeling and doing or shes going to end up in serious trouble. You have the power to help her out and make sure she gets the help she needs. I know its tough and you shouldn't have to be in this position. But you need to do the right thing and talk to someone about this so that your cousin gets the help she needs. Also, don't be cutting yourself. It's harmful and doesn't help anything.

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If she's not listening to you then you need to go to an adult who can take care of the matter. She probably thinks she doesn't have to listen to you because you are her age and did the same things she's doing. But if her parents are on her case, she's more likely to listen. You've got the power here to really help her. Don't waste it.

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yes, i agree, you need to do something before it's too late. tell someone. tell a parent, a teacher, a counselor, an adult, someone that you trust. tell the police, call a a hospital, dial 911. do whatever you have to do to help this girl. and of course, continue to be there for her no matter what. let her know how much you care and that you'll always be there for her. let her know that if she died you and lots of people would be very upset. let her know she has a bright future ahead of her. you can do this, just don't give up on her and don't be mad at her. be nice to her and loving. she needs you right now. take away the pills from her and everything else that she could use to kill herself. you can do this. keep it up. and please check out these sites. they could really help both of you. take care and pm if if you want


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