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Over....Done....So FREE!

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ok well I fell in love with this jerk, I did everything for him and return I got lies and heartbreaks from him, I always ran back to him. I ran back atleast 12 times in the past 5 months....because I thought he loved me but he showed a funny way of showing it....I guess I was wrong because he broke up with me becuase I hung out with Dominicans.....he is very prejudice....If he truly loved me he wouldnt have broke up with me for a dumb reason like that...right? Well I have been talking to this was member on enotalone, and im proud to say, I am over my ex which I never thought I would be....thank you dragongirl!! YOu are an angel....


Ok I really dont think there is an easy way to get over someone you truly loved, cuz love is blind, and I never knew that until about a week ago, what you think is love really isnt. It took me about 12 times to running back to realize nothing will ever change, and deep down inside I am hurt, because hes all I ever wanted, but sometimes you just need to let go...Please everyone, if you and your ex broke up, it was for a reason, dont stress over it, things will get better. I know how you all feel, and I truly wish I can make everyone feel better....but I cant, you just need to take my advice.....

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I have a friend who is in the process of trying to move on with her life after years of being with a very bad man. He has lied, cheated, impregnated another early in their relationship, ran away, verbally abused, had drug problems, and decided he didn´t want to marry her anymore after everything was planned and paid for (guess who lost money? not him). After all of this, she still took him back, and decided she´d marry him despite him backing away and making her lose money only three months ago. Well... he ran away again. He´s now seeing some other girl, and still calls my friend. Usually when he´s drunk.


This angers me sooooo much. She is a good person, and obviously has her share of blame since she let him get away with murder, but it saddens me to see that while she tries as hard as she can, it´s so hard for her. She keeps checking her cell phone, she keeps hoping he´ll come to his senses, and it´s out of her control. It´s like a disease or something. I wish I could say or do something to snap her out of it, but I know she won´t listen.


I´m taking her away for a couple of weeks so she can at least worry less about everything, and maybe gain some perspective. I´ve had my share of being in denial, and of accepting some poor behavior from others, but I´d like to think something like that would never happen to me or any of you.


I wish you all a Happy New year filled with love and promise, and good judgement!

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