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Here's what he IM'd me; " Are you pi**ed at me or something?" Me: "No, not really, why?"


"Well, you never IM me anymore, I always IM you. And when I do, you give me short, one word answers".


"Well, to be honest, I just don't know that I can really interact with you as just a friend. We went through way too much as more than friends, and it just renews the hurt and anger you brought about when you ended things like you did."


"Oh, so you're giving me the silent treatment...nice. That's mature. I guess I can't really talk to you now, either since you're going to be so childish about this."


After that, I said something about how I'd rather be childish in this one respect, than childish in all respects. I don't think he got it.


Arrrrgggh. It got to me...it really did. NC is Childish?

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U know you remind me of one of the incident I've been in. Sometimes the guy just want to keep in touch, since he did once liked you before. I think it's as simple as that.


Hm, how might you be going about it if you are the guy and that's your intent? Because that's exactly what i want to do with a girl. Similar situation where there is some hatred in both sides. Basically, how would u go about solving the problem without the "give her some time" thing.

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In the beginning i thought the same. NC as being childish. My ex wouldn't contact me or anything while i was sending her mails, sms... Then finally after 5 weeks she contact me cause she wanted to say something. I did went to see her, and it made me feel really worse. I wish she continued NC.

So now, i think NC is for the best. If you really want to forget (or at least not think much) then this is the best. I don't see it to be childish, it's just a selfesteem mechanism. I always say, me first then i will see what to do about her (if i ever want her in my life again in some way).

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Well I too believed that NC was childish and since she wanted to remain friends thought I would give it a shot. The final straw came when I find out she is sleeping with this guy from her work that I knew she liked and when I asked her about it she said nothing is going on. She still tries to make out like nothing is going. The bottom lime is this - people in soap operas or film stars may be able to stay in contact with their ex, but most of us can't and I don't know any of my friends who managed it. As for his IMs - he is being a total p**** what does he expect ? I will never understand how someone who broke your heart, the worst possible pain you can inflict on anyone can expect you to "just be another friend". I actually believe the whole concept is pretty ridiculous at the moment.

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