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how do u no if ur bf is using u?

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Wait it out and see if he'll wait with you. Giving in soon makes the guy lose respect and then the relationship is about sex. It doesn't mean that it will work out in the end, but you'll have someone who cares more for your feelings if he sees that you respect yourself.


It seems like you don't have trouble getting the boys, so don't worry if you have to let one go.

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Hard to tell, especially at that young age. The problem with love is that it is a gamble...a BIG gamble. You have to take the risk to get what you want but it might also have a consequence. Trust is important in a relationship. But there is no one that knows a guy better than another guy. Ask your male friends if they know about this guy. Make sure he isn't the super popular flirting type. There are alot of bad people out there but we don't want to throw away the good ones by thinking they are out to decieve. Have patience and hope everything works out for you.

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Wait a minute, are you really 13!! You shouldn't be having 'relationships' with guys who are using your body!! Heck, you shouldn't really be having anything that could even be considered a 'relationship'. I know I'm sounding like an old person but seriously, think a little bit more about what you are doing!

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