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Should i let go?


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My ex and i play in the same soccer team. I had known her for about 2 years and had always had a crush on her. The start of the year we finally got to talking and one thing led to another and we finally started dating. I gave up a big part of my life to be with her. My ex is a really closed up person due to being screwed over by her first love 3 years ago. She struggles to let anyone in or to be in a relationship. She never really spoke about her feelings or emotions. I felt like i was starting to break her walls down a bit..things were going well until she started talking to another girl on our team. This girl is straight as she claims but they messaged all the time and spent a lot of time together. I asked my ex numerous times if anything was going on and she said no everytime. I had a gut feeling tho and lost it when they went to a concert together. After this my ex became extremely distant and didnt want to stay together anymore. She hardly msged me and completely shut me out. She said she needed time to miss me. 5 days later she came over and told me it was done and she didnt know how to make me happy anymore. She said that i pushed her away. When i asked her if she liked this other girl she said yes a bit.


A week later we went to a party together, i got extremely drunk and told her how sorry i was and that if she gave me a chance i would work out my issues with her. We shared a kiss and when i asked her to come back to mine she flipped and told me not to touch her. I followed her home and she proceeded to tell me that she had nothing left for me and she wanted me to go. She called my sister up and told her to come grab me.


Ever since that night she has not msged me. I have to see her 3 nights a week at soccer. We are civil to each other but she still will not reply to any of my msgs. She said shes tryna help me get over her. I also found out that she has been staying over this straight girls house. But all our mutual friends say the only reason shes doing that is for comfort and to fix herself because shes not in a good way. I tried msging her yesterday and got no reply. I dont wanna lose her but i feel like the party we went to has already sealed my fate with her and i should let go. Its especially hard having to see her at soccer and then also having to see her at parties and what not as we share a lot of mutual friends and before we got together we both attended all these events.


If anyone has any suggestion that would be good. I realise i should do no contact..but seeing her almost every 2nd day does not help my situation.

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