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why is he like that??

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ok, i asked him to the movies and he says "piss on the matrix, i'm buyin a case this weekend" (i din't even mean that weekend!) then when i was talkin to his lil cousin on msn he told her to ask me when i was gonna take him to see the matrix, then i said that i thought he said to piss on the matrix and he said that he had practise or somethin, then i said i din't believe him. then he came online and i said "so ya wanna see the matrix eh?" and he says "maybe" wtf! but then we talked till like 3 in the mornin! i tell his friends to tell him to call me, and he says to tell me to call him, so i made the invite to the matrix, and i asked him if he wanted to go for a ride but he let me down. i don't get him! i never actually had a real convo in person wit him b4, we always look at eachother like we wanna say somethin n stuff.. so anyways, any input? ideas?? should i jus drop him?? (don't wanna do that tho!)

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WOW okay what is his deal...I think he might be playing hard to get...i hate that game but just talk to him and tell him how you feel. Call him up and tell him that you are interested in getting to know him better and if he wants to get to know you better to call you and act like a man.

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ok: first we talk on the phone for like an hour (he's drunk but it was still ace. he was singin to me hehe then i ask him to the movies and he says "piss on the matrix, i'm buyin a case" (not to me directly, but to one of his friends i got to ask), then he asks when i'm gonna take him to see the matrix (but i think perhaps someone might have been lyin to me about that), we talk on msn all the time (good convos), we rarely ever talk in person, we're always lookin at eachother, and now... i give him a note. it was jus a buncha "haha" stuff at the beginning, but then at the end i said "so what do i hafta say to getcha to come to the movies wit me?" and i explained how he should jus tell me if he don't wanna. i'm scared. it seems like he likes me back, but then there's stuff that makes me think, "ok, so u don't like me" he's kind of a shy guy too, but geez, i try to make it easy on him n he's not responding! i jus gave it to him today, but there's still nothin yet.

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Maby he just got out of a relationship or has been hurt in past relationships so he is affraid to commit. You should talk to him face to face to see where he stands o nthe whole issue. Then you can observe what emotions he displays when he says sertain things and it's easier to understand them. Good luck!

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Take ur time girl.......

Yes he is probably shy........so what?

Keep on talking on a phone with him, chat with him and send more haha.......

Eventually he will so into you that his shiness will go away when he is with you.........Let him know that you can be his best friend first..........

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OH YES. seems like all it took me was a lil note , then next thing ya know we're all buddy buddy n such . well we talk on msn a lot (never in person, i'm too *** lol), and he knew i liked him.. but it was the note. then we went to a party together, i gave him ride home (we talked quite a bit doin that ) it was the note. the note is my hero. i praise the note, lol. now i'm gonna be givin him a ride ta school on monday - we'll hafta see how that goes . well i jus thought i'd share what worked for me! bye-now!

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