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long post . . scrambled head


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Sorry for the long post . .

Me and my partner have been together for over a year now and have a baby daughter together things are fine but im feelin a little pressured with house work shoppin just chores I know parent hood isnt easy but its like im not getting anything from him to help with her I have spoke to him numerous times and things are 'guna change' in his words . . Lets see . . Anyways we have just moved to a new area and things were goin really well but everything changed . . He came in from a night out with his family and I had to call an ambulance he was that bad and if that wasnt bad enough he then got a message from another women (a bit to much was said for my likin) we did have a separation for a little while but yeah he weaved his way back in (and I do want my daughtwr to have her father around as much as poss) but I carnt stop thinkin about it, I carnt stop thinkin about this women, I just carnt get my head around it all and half of me is sayin why shud I deal with it and the other half is sayin try regain trust and push throught it for my daughters sake!

The other thing is hes got a few close friends which all have banter with one another and there's been a few times where ive had a laugh but theres one lad I just carnt get out of my head but he works with my partner I know nothing will ever happen but feelings are feelings! My head is all over the place . . I know my daughter comes first whatever happens . . Just need some advice? Support?

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Okay, so you don't feel like he's supporting you, he came home so drunk from a night out with his family (??) that you had to call an ambulance? Where was his family in this?? How did he get home in that state?

How did it work out with the other girl- was that actually resolved? If he hasn't properly apologized and isn't taking steps to regain your trust, it will probably happen again.


I know it's important to keep the father around for the kids sake, but if he's a bad dad he may as well not be around at all. Have you family/friends to support you? What here is keeping you with him? Is this really a healthy environment for your daughter?

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Well he went out with his family (uncle and cousin and maybe some mates) and I dont know but me and my partnrrs mum seem to think his uncle spiked him . . Which is a totally new story in itself! Obvs we argued about the girl I did make him delete everything fb messages numbers but I did get her num and I did message her but didnt hear anything back . . Ive asked him if he has been in touch with her and he sed no (I dont know what to think) . . I just dont want to think he would do it to me and our daughter again and the girl is one my of partners good friends ex so its a bit embarrassing cz he talks to him daily I have loads of support and would be fine on my own but I just keep thinking to myself just keep goin with him . . And on and on we go!

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