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Don't ever take them back! :(

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I can't began to say over and over how stupid I am and how blinded I continuously let someone make me. He left me, messed with some other females , I went NC for a while and then he came back saying "I wanna make things work" I was hesitant for awhile but still in a vulnerable lonely state and ended up taking him back. We met up for dinner and even spent the night together this weekend. He explained to me how he "loves me" and really sees a future in us and wants to make things work.


Not even a day later I can see all over his social networks that he's chasing after other females, still focusing on other females. And you would think he would be happy enough to have me back that only I would matter. Yeah I'm hurting all over again. So Back to NC I go this time indefinitely. Moral of the story THEY NEVER CHANGE.

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You know what they say: fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me.

So, shame on him and don't let him fool you a second time. I don't know the whole story here, but from what you wrote, I don't think you were stupid, because sometimes second chances are ok. Maybe it is good this happened because now you know that he will absolutely not change. And now you can close this event in your life and heal properly.

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I am reluctant to use the word never because there are many things I've done that I was "never" going to do. In general, I don't recommend taking people back after a split. The exception is if the split was caused by immaturity on the part of one/both of the people involved or if there was some other blocking issue (such as getting off drugs) had been solved.


Before you dump him for good, it might be a good idea to check the dates on his posts and see if they are recent.


Good luck.

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