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I just don't get this

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Around 2 weeks ago before winter break I got this girls number. She tells me I better call her and set something up for next week.

I call her that sunday, we aggree tuesday is great. So I get up tuesday around 1 and call. (1 is a fair time for high schoolers I thought because we all do like to sleep) Well no one answers, so I try again at 4 and leave a message.

Then I get a call 10 minutes later from her cell phone (number she just got) saying her and her girl friend are going to a movie... I should call her back thurs.

I call her on thursday to see if she would be interested in going down to the U of I campus for lunch at a coffee shop and going to some of the stores (she likes to shop). She says she was supposed to be finding a job to help pay for the car she is getting, so that's what she is doing today.

Then she told me what she was doing this weekend, which was way better than "I'm going out to look for a job today".

I just told her good luck with finding a job, and I'll see her on Monday @ school. She said "sorry" and told me to have fun or something.


The thing I don't understand is how strong of a signal she was sending me that day before break, as compared to now... how she is always doing something when I call (which is fine because I have other things to do) I'd just like to spend a day with her.


I guess I'm asking should I let it go, or give it more time... she's good friends with my cousin and my cousin keeps telling me to give it more time and talk with her more.


thanks for all your time.



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I think you can talk to her more but for the most part let it go - as in don't ask her out since she keeps cancelling etc it sounds like or trying to put it off. She agreed on Tuesday and then decided to go to a movie with a friend instead....sorry but that is just immature, so I would just move on personally

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That's what I'm thinking. I did call her home number, and no one was there till her mom got my message. Then she did call me back pretty quickly, but this was around like 5 p.m. I don't expect anyone to sit around and wait that long. She just got her cell so she couldn't give it to me before or I most likely would have gotten ahold of her.



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Yea give it another chance but if she keeps beating around the bush like this then forget her. I been in this situation before where a girl just would not be honest. I'd rather hear the truth as to why a girl wouldn't hang with me instead of just lying and beating around the bush. it hurts alot less once you know what is going on instead of being led on for days or months at a time. Sounds like an immaturity issue to me like the last poster said.

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she's 16 and just got her license... so that doesn't help. When I was 16 i never wanted to wait either. But we have a christmas party at work and I guess I could bring her along to that or something if all works out good. This week is a really busy time to. Either way I don't really care, she's really nice and still a good friend.



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