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Can anyone help me with dreams and the subliminal mind?

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Im not sure if anyone out there is any good at enterperting dreams or not, but if so I really need to know what this is all about. Im an average guy. And im not going out with anyone cause im just not ready to do any of that kind of stuff. But that doesnt mean I dont like girls. I might think someone looks good or is nice, but I dont love like a wife or get intiment. But last night...I had the craziest dream of all time. It makes me wonder if im sick. It involves a girl, but its not a wet dream. It really isn't. But its hard to remember dreams like most people don't. But I could tale this dream like the pledge of alligiance. If anyone can help or is interested in this I'll tell all about the dream. And also if anyone knows anything about the subliminal mind or anything like that, it would also be useful information.

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silent...feel free to tell your dream...there are a lot of people who remember every dream they have...


if you are a teenager, and it was somewhat sexual/invoved a girl and was otherwise just plain out and out weird...


your hormones have a lot to do with it...


not to mention...dreams really are not THAT big of a key to your "subliminal mind"

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Ok....Yes you guessed it I am a teenager. Well anyway the dream. Its hard to describe the surroundings. Its paradise and 3rd world all at the same time. Theres beautiful water falls and trees around all over the place. Water looks nice and air is crisp. I could almost feel a breeze. But then some buildings are shattered and reduced to rubble. Roads are unpaved and Its as if all the time there is a small fog like a smoke. Not dense but thick enough to know its there. Past the fog theres a cliff. But anyway it starts with me and my friends rock climbing. We climb and hobble around like were having fun. But this being a dream ive never seen it before. But it felt like i knew everything like the back of my hand. As we made are way down we get to the city i or surrounding i described. Im in a buggy attached to a horse. Theres no roof to the buggy. But the horse is moving fast and faster. Then all of a sudden wham. The horse stops and i go flying out of the buggy into a pool of water. This water is just like the rest. Pure, clean, almost like myrh. Apparently a girl had been riding a separate buggy. She had crashed before me. I came up first though. When she came up from the water i swear i had died. She had long fair blonde hair. A weird but good looking dress on. She came up to gasp for air. But for no reason at all I kiss her. Then she kisses me back. Then the next thing i know shes swimming around me and were playing around in the water. Not having sex or making a big love scene. But im liking this alot. Then suddenly im in another building and she walks up some stairs. She walks past two other girls and they chatter and yip yap. I cant understand what they say. But the girl comes back down one last time and i kiss her again. Then my happy dream is ruined.


What is up with me?

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The subliminal mind had to do with other things that have happened to me in the past. Like hearing songs in dreams ive never heard in real life before. But that didnt happen in this dream. I was just wondering why would i hear songs like that. A song called summer song by chad and jeremy. Who i had no clue existed until i looked the song up. And what do you know? It did.

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as I suspected...basically your dream is your hormones telling you your body/mind is preparing to actually LIKE the idea of girls...but are nervous about it...(the whole buildings in ruins crashing thing) reason you remember it is because you are going through an actual physical and mental change...


the subliminal mind...you have heard the song...just don't realize it...could have been in an elevator for all you know...or on a tv commerical or program...but you've heard it

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but it feels like its more than its just my hormones changing. It feels like more. Im 15. Dont most guys already drool and squable over girls now? Why am I so different?


actually, you are quite normal...15 *IS* about the age all that starts...


Guys (and girls) that "start" younger...it's really more the social pressure of thinking they are supposed to be "drooling" so they do it to seem normal...when really they have no clue what's going on...


you, on the other hand, have let nature take it's course...and you aren't being influenced by what the people around you are doing...which is a good thing.


You are a unique individual...don't start the bad habit of comparing yourself to others...it is not worth it. As long as you are happy with who you are...it's all the matters.

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I think ....you think too much lol.... I know ppl want interpretations...but it was just a dream. I've had dreams of girls I've known....and as much as I wished they happened like they happened in the dream...they didn't...dreams are just a bunch of mixed ideas that were never stored into any certain part of your memory. Then they come together usually....some can be from the day of, others from as long as years ago. STOP thinking soo much, you're not gonna be on some buggy some day and run into a beautiful girl and make out with her the first moment you meet her. BUT...you probably will meet some girl someday that you could end up loving....but it was just a dream.

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god i am such a loser...of coarse its that simple. But this doesnt change things i guess no matter how much someone explains it to me im always going to be a little confused. And i hate it when i dont understand things. But i guess theres not much i can do. Cept eat lots of ice cream that always does wonders for me.

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Freud, who is normally considered to be the king of psychology in this country, said that the dreams that we have are unconscious wishes. They are a door to your unconscious motivations.


Like Ticklebug said that dreams are electrical impulses, they are biological processes, that you can understand, but you normally can't control or change. They can be predictions.


It is new years eve and I wonder if the cliff in your dream is maybe the new year...rock climbing stands for all the other things that you do to have fun...


There is a lot of good--like the scenery is new and fresh, you seem happy and not frightened, which is good...


Some buildings were shattered, I take this as old ideas, or your innocense was shattered. Fog and cliff -- if not the new year, then maybe a big change is coming. The city is maybe like the ultimate state of being--which for you could be anything...some mind altering experience is coming in the new year...maybe?


You are riding in a buggy which is a romantic, yet outdated mode of transportation. I take this to mean that you are going to out grow something, something that you normally take for granted.


The buggy doesn't have a roof, which means that you will notice some small detail of something that you normally like, but you stop liking it. Maybe it is about turning sixteen and getting a car.


The good thing is that when you stop needing this...something like training wheels on a bike, you will realize that you are just as happy without the thing that you never needed in the first place.


There are contrasts in the dream, new and old, good and bad, these are things that you will keep an eye on and notice in the days and weeks going forward.

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