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Is there a difference?


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some places a can of Coca Cola ™ is a cola, others call it Pepsi no mater what, some call it Coke no matter what, some call is soda, some call it pop


it all comes down to the same thing...brown carbonated sugar water


so bascially whatever term is used to describe you is relative to what the definition the person who made the comment feels it is...

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i'm a guy but i sorta get the feeling that, at least sometimes, when a girl says you're cute it doesn't always mean they interested in you, as in for dating and stuff. if they say you're hot, i'd say you're better off in that department.


I know what you mean...

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Hi Pal,

It depends on how old a gal is and how the gal's mentality is like.

Say for a gal who is into fun, she would want to get a guy who is cute.

Say for a gal who is into sexuality fun, she would want a sexy guy.


That really depends.


For me, my age of 21 presently, when i say a person is cute, i mean this person can make my day a happy one.

Someone who is hot, i mean he has a nice body built and usually has a good dancing attribute.

Someone who is handsome, means he has good features.

Someone who is good looking, means i dun have much interest in him, and only taking him as a friend.

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There is deffinetally a difference.


Cute 1: Used for boys a little younger than you, that don't look grown up


Cute 2: Actions, expressions of a boy you may or may not be interested in


Handsome: I use for older men, my fathers age


Good-looking: Is used when I think a guy is hot, but don't want to sound obsessive


*****Hott: Extremely gorgeous guy in all features*****


Sexy 1: Hott expressions or actions.


Sexy 2: Hott Build



I also think that there are inbetweens



Bla..it's probably about the same as what guys think about girls.. And it DOES depend on age

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Ive gotten the cute thing all the time. Cause im one of those people that just like to have fun. And around where i live a lot of girls must like to have fun. But if u get "cute" alot that can be bad. For me getting a girl in my town is tough. Most know me. And the know me as the guy who likes to have fun and not get into big relationships. So yea its depressing sometimes but i always have my fun.

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i'm a guy but i sorta get the feeling that, at least sometimes, when a girl says you're cute it doesn't always mean they interested in you, as in for dating and stuff. if they say you're hot, i'd say you're better off in that department.


Yeah, I'd go along with that. I've been described as "cute" before, and some of my female friends have called me "handsome" - but neither has meant any kind of interest. It'd be nice to be described as hot or sexy once in a while!

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I don't think that it's ever good to over-analyze someone's words like that. If you don't actually know her well enough to know if she likes you or not, then you probably won't know her well enough to analyze her thoughts like that. Plus, everyone is different. I know girls who say "I love you" to their net friends and think nothing of it.


Rely on actions and how she is around you, not words.

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