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Does true love ever end??

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I was just wondering, if two people truly love each other and believe that they are soul-mates, yet there relationship breaks up, do you still think that if they truly do love each other that they will always love each other even though they are apart? and even get back together again in the future because of it?


Because me and my girlfriend of 2 1/2 years broke up over a month ago, we were engadged and were very very close and we loved each other more than anything in the world, and both said that we were soul-mates and that we would never even think of being with anyone else because we love each other so much, and even though we are apart now, she is still the most amazing thing to have ever happened to me, and i have never realised till now how much i really do love her and need her in my life, and i have a feeliung that she feels the same, even though i think she is hiding it, and i have a feeling deep down that we will be together again at some point. i have seen this happen to people in the past and now they are closer than ever, my sister and her boyfriend for example.


so do you think that true love is ever finished or will both people always feel something for the other person even though they are apart? because i really hope that we will be together again someday, i know it wont happen over night but at some point, we alwayshad the same feelings for each other and i know we do now so if i love her more than ever then hopefully she will too?


Thanks for your time!

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If she has the same feelings for you that you have for her, then i think the two of you will be together again cause you two were probably ment for each other. Thats if she has the same feelings as you though. Good Luck!

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Thanks. yeah i think she does have the same feelings for me as i have for her, but as i said i think that she is hiding them at the moment, all of myfriends and family think that we will be together again because of how happy we were when we were together, just sadly the break happened, but at least we parted on good terms and did not and have not argued yet, and we still talk to each other, ive phoned her once and we had a long chat and we contact each other by text messages and she said that she will see me soon, so hopefully we will get to see each other again soon, so we can talk, not really about us, because i dont wanna bring it up, i want it to happen between us again naturally, she said that i am the best thing that has ever happened to her too, and she even said that if she cant have me then she doesnt want anyone at all, so thats a good sign i suppose, but im not expecting anything to happen over night or on the first time of meeting up, it will take time for us to grow together again like we were before, but do you know when you have a strong feeling about something, well i have a really strong feeling that we will be together again someday, hopefully sooner more than later!


and when we were going out we both decided that we were going to go to university in september, and we both have our rooms sorted and things, and i am just awaiting my results from college to see if i get in, but we both promised each other when we broke up that we would definatly see each other at university, and she even said herself that she really thinks that we will be together again and that she will get to wear her ring again, but i just hope that this promise still stands after a month of being apart, but in the past when we promise something to each other we really do mean it, otherwise we never promise it, just like we both promised that we loved each other more than anything! and that still stands! i just hope everything works out for us over time, because i really do believe that she is my soulmate, and i believe that people only ever have one soulmate in their life, and i have found mine, and its just gonna take time for us!


Maybe its the time apart that we need, so we realise just how much we truly do love each other, kind of as a test? because love needs to be tested at some point between two people and ours has never been tested before!


I myself believe that true love never dies, when you love someone so much, then you should never let it go, so thats what im gonna do, im not gonna give up, because everyone deserves a second chance, then at least we will definatly know for sure if we are meant to be, what do you guys think? people keep saying to me "If you are meant to be, then you will both find each other again and be together again", i just hope this happens because she is my life, and part of my is missing when she is not in my life and i miss her terribly!

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