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She allways falls asleep

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When ever we watch a movie or do anything that involves sitting down for a little bit my girlfriend will fall asleep. At first i didnt mind, and actually liked just sitting there and watching her sleep. but now I am very annoyed at it. We have not watched a movie in the past month when she has not fallen asleep in it. I have told her this bothers me but she gets defensive and tells me that she can't help it. I realize that yes sometimes you really are just so tired you fall asleep and I have no problem with that. but now everytime we try and watch a movie or just sit on the couch and talk she will fall asleep within a half hour.


Last night I was up at her house and we were just sitting around, she tells me I should go so she can get some sleep, i agree (it was about 12:30) so I leave. The next day I find out from her that she was up until 4:30 talking on the phone to a guy she knows. (if you want the info on him... link removed ) I dont get it she can stay up that late talking to him but she cant make it through a movie with me. and the last time that we were talking on the phone kind of late she fell asleep on the phone.


I am pretty bugged right now because I just got home and she did it again tonight, and she says its because she didnt get enought sleep last night, well thats not my problem you made me leave so you can "get some sleep" when instead you talk until 4:30 with another guy.


I just need to know if I am justified in feeling the way that I am feeling or am I just being a jerk?


What else could I say to her to help stress that this buggs me?

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reading your previous post and this one it sounds like she is losing interest in you. if i were you i would feel the same way you do and i would confront her about it but not in an accusing way because that would just lead to a fight. i think you've been very patient with her. it wouldnt be so bad if she was falling asleep around you all the time because she was tired but if she only does this around you but is able to stay up late talking to another guy then there is defenitly a problem.

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I'm not so sure she is losing interest really.


You have no reason to be jealous of this friend of hers...I'm assuming you were talking about a military mission. He could very well have kept her on the phone even though she didnt want to because he's rather anxious and nervous about his upcoming deployment. I she generally compassionate to other people's feelings?


On falling asleep during the movies you watch....being able to fall asleep around someone shows a real level of trust & comfort...esp. if it's pretty regular. If it bothers you so much why not on occasion play board games, or cards, take a long walk....or do something else that might require her to be up and awake.


Her actions could really be taken as just having complete faith and trust in you...and she is assuming you have the same in her. You may just be letting your insecurities get the best of you.

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Her actions could really be taken as just having complete faith and trust in you...and she is assuming you have the same in her. You may just be letting your insecurities get the best of you.


I am acutally very glad you said this because I had honestly not thought of that. With that in mind I, it would be nice to have her awake for a movie everynow and then, it does seem though that she could be loosing interest in me I really hope not...

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Hi Pal,

I see she has trust in u. Thats why she told u that she was chatting with a guy friend of hers late in the night.


I dun see the point u need to feel upset so fast, that she is losing interest in you. She seems to lose interests in movies more than you. She is very exhausted when she meets u. And since she could take up some effort to meet u for movies, i dun think the interests are lost.


U should respect her, her ways she mix around with her friends. I believe u also have ways that u mix ur friends that she is quite upset about too. Maybe u can tell her that u are worried about her health in lack of sleep as a starting topic to get things from her further. U can also express ur willingness to stay with her, if she needs u for companionship, and says that u miss those honeymoon periods. Girls always like guys who are romantic at times.


Have confidence, that the last thing u would ever dream of losing

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I don't think you should take it personally.


Does she have a stressful job, or is she a student doing a lot of work????


I have to admit- there have been some times in my life where I have been EXHAUSTED. This mainly happened to me when I was in grad school.

I felt like I was running on a hamster wheel and if I had a chance to sit or lay down, I was out like a light. You really CAN'T HELP IT if you feel that way...she's telling the truth....it physically overcomes you. In my days of exhaust I was "too tired" for watching TV, and sometimes even too tired for sex, my husband would get offended. Gladly, those days are over, now that I am under much less stress.


The best advice I can give is to be sure she is getting enough sleep at night and getting the proper nutirition. If she seems to be tired like this for no apparant reason, all the time , and you don't think it's due to stress and it starts to interfere with her lifestyle, there could be a medical explanation such as an underactive thyroid or chronic fatigue syndrome, but that would be extreme.


From what you wrote I don't think it has anything to do with you, though I completely understand why it would start to annoy you. Let her know how you feel. Though I think if she lost interest in you she would not be consenting to watching a movie with you. She probably has good intentions but just simply can't stay awake. When you need to sleep the cortisol levels in your body change, and there is really nothing you can do to stop it, it simply overcomes you.





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