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After not seeing the ex for almost 2 months, I ran into her at a bookstore. She tapped me on the shoulder, but I was on the phone and kinda blew her off. She didn't look too pleased.


A few hours later, while I was at the mall, she called asking why i was so rude to her. I told her I was on the phone. She then said she was at another bookstore and wanted to know if I wanted to meet her there.

I had some time to kill, so I did.


When we met, it was friendly enough, but all the time I was talking with her, I just kept wondering why on earth I was so hung up on this girl in the first place??? THIS is the girl that I gave my heart to? THIS is the girl that I kept dreaming about getting back together with? THIS is the girl that had so much power over me???? I didn't even find her physically attractive anymore. Guess the rose colored glasses were off.


She brought up the fact that I didn't hug her and I simply replied, that it just got old. I could tell this irked her. It also irked her that I didn't immediately kiss her @ss when she told me about something that was special to her. I just said "cool."

What really got her was when she asked why I blew her off earlier and I said I was on the phone with a friend and I wasn't going to hang up on HER to talk to an aquaintence. I don't know what got her more, the fact that I was talking to a girl or I called her an aquaintence even though she told me months earlier, that's the most we could hope for. HER rules.


Anyway, it was getting late and I said my good byes, without the obligatory hug good bye. This also irked her. 8)

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Go Team!


Yeah, hearing that stuff irked the crap out of her, I'm sure. My ex recently stopped hugging megoodbye and it came as a shock but it made sense. It still hurt.

It's great that you can show her you're not affected by her, even if on the inside you'reshaking. I came from the shool of thought that to show them how much pain you were in was the thing to do. You, sir, have obviously chosen the path that works. Kudos!

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Thanks, everyone! It was a pretty good feeling! However, I'm still mad at myself for wasting 9 months of my life with this woman.

I think it really dawned on me when she asked me if St. Louis was in Mississippi.


It took me 10 minutes to realize she wasn't kidding.

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This is the stage I wish all of the people who are pining for ex's and scheming to get them back would realize they will eventually get to if they just let life go on, instead of trying to control fate.


hey tickle...


i hear you....although i was in it for three years and not 9 months....i am too at that point, pretty much, where i am letting life go on...however, i will keep my story up and it may or maynot develop this way...will i ever stop pining? yes, i am sure....will i stop scheming? yes, i am sure...and either that will happen because i moved on or because we got back together, but we have a whole year or less to see....


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