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Morning after pill

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okie dokie, yeah, well sex has kind of become a possibility for me and my bf, and we want to be responsible about it, but ive got a question (please dont kill me if it seems stupid) what exactly is the morning after pill? hows it work and how can i get it (if i choose to use it)?? sorry, i just really want to b responsible about this if we choose to have sex.

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For the simplest answer, the morning after pill chemically prevents you from getting pregnant after you've had sex. (It prevents the pregnancy from that ONE time -- I don't mean to say it sterilizes you or something.) It is generally a last minute, after-the-fact decision. (In other words, it's usually the choice of those who have sex and then choose to try to avoid / end consequences.)


If you want to be responsible, the best way to do that is by PREVENTING consequences instead of trying to treat them after the fact. Instead of the "morning after pill" (which will NOT protect against STDs, anyway), why not invest in birth control pills and condoms? (Two forms of contraception is the safest way because NO form is fool-proof.)

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Well, the morning after pill isn't exactly dispensed like candy, either. The same medical rules should apply, you know.


You also might want to consider the fact that there's a *reason* why these things are not readily available to those who are your age.


(Abstinence IS, afterall, the ONLY surefire method of staying baby and disease free.)

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Well, the morning after pill isn't exactly dispensed like candy, either. The same medical rules should apply, you know


she's right, the same medical rules DO apply....you would have to be seen by a gynecologist to even get it, be examined to prove you had sex..and your parents would be notified.

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First off, the morning-after pill (MAP) is like a birth control pill. Basically, it blocks progesterone which is essential for the egg to implant into the womb. JSYK, it's not an abortion pill - people often confuse the two.


I strongly recommend that you consider waiting. I guarantee that it will be worth it, but your mind is your own. So with that in mind, the MAP is primarily for when other methods fail. However, if you follow the directions, you shouldn't have an issue.


I recommend that you speak to someone at Planned Parenthood to find out more information.


Be safe.

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Well if you do go to a Plan Parenthood clinic for a check up and possibly get some Birth control pills, most places will give you a couple MAP pills with them. When my g/f wanted to try using BC pills we went to a clinic just because she was scared about going to a doctor and having her parents find out (she was 20 at the time, but just didn't want her parents to have a bad image of me) and the clinic gave us a 3 month supply of BC and 4 MAP pills, for those "just in case" situations. Like everyone has said before, if you and your b/f are serious about taking this next step then the two of you need to sit down and have a serious talk about the possible consiquences. Even if you are taking BC, and he wears a condom, there is a slight possibility that you can become pregnant, and if you two aren't ready for that type of commitment to each other then your not ready to be having sex. Also if you are planning on having sex and are planning on wanting to be "prepared" for this, you may want to discuss things with your parents just so they know that you are trying to take this next step (they may get upset and try to tell you that you can't see him, but we all know that parents can't always stop their kids). At least your parents could be there to help you out and discuss things about being pregnant and using BC. Just a thought though, it's your choice.

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question, do they have to tell your parents?? . I wanna talk to my parents about this, i want them to know what we are considering (key word being considering) but his just flat out dont care, and mine care a little too much, plus they dont like the guy i am with. hes homeschooled and doesnt have a job, and im in private school and i have 2 jobs. they dont think we are an equal match yada yada, and they just dont like him, but i love him and i hate that they wont accept us being together. so it gets a bit complicated. but we arent decided about what we're going to do.

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Because you are underage, your parents are the only ones who can legally allow you to receive medical treatment. That means that a doctor cannot give you any kind of medication without one of your parent's consent. (Your consent really doesn't count because you are considered a "minor" and are not LEGALLY accountable for very much.) So, yes, they have to tell your parents.

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I think once your 18 then you can go to a clinic and get them as well, and someone please correct me if I'm wrong. I don't know if it's possible but maybe he can go and get the BC pills, since his situation is a bit different (I don't know if the clinic will or won't, since when I go I only get condoms).

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the morning after pill is an extremely HIGH dosage of the normal birth control pill. it will more than likely terminate a fertilized ovum from up to i believe a 72 hr interval from when it was first fertilized. do not rely on the after pill as a contraceptive! it is primarily used for rape victims. check out other methods of birth control through your gynocologist or family doctor. such as: the Ortho Evra patch, different brands of the pill, depro prevara shots, condoms etc...


its nice to see youre looking into contraception like a responsible adult! i too was 18 when i left the 'Virgin Islands'.



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if you are under the age of 18 go to your high school nurse & ask about "Planned Parenthood" its an organization that will test you for STD's, give you birth control pills & condoms as needed. it is strictly confidential & free. talk to a parent or a close relative about you being sexually active. if youre gonna do it, do it the safe way!!



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well i am 16, and the problem is, i got to a private christian school so thereforeeee there is not planned parenthood stuff........ any other methods of getting birth control or anything like that??



i plan on talking to an adult about all of this, i havnet decided who tho. I cant talk to my parents about it becuase they already dont like the guy I'm with. we dont have a school counselor or anything like that, plus i woudlnt trust my mentor (mentors at my school are like homeroom teachers but more on a personal level)


anyways, i have decided that i am going to have sex with my bf. i know i said i wouldnt but i really want to.... i want to b responsible about all of this and make sure that things are planned out before we do anything

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