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Being funny and humerous helps...but how?


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That is a really hard question to answer. Yes women like a man that could be funny, but they mainly like it when a guy can make them smile. Doing this requires a bit of work, and there really isn't no set of jokes that you can use to help you. Each girl is different, and some may not understand the joke, some may get offended, and some may think your trying to hard. The best thing is to just be yourself, and let the "jokes" come to you naturally. Some jokes can be made by observing the situation (like when walking and you see somthing that is funny), some jokes can be made from similiar experiences (if she says she did something, and you happen to have the same experience), and some jokes can be personal (maybe only you and the girl know about something that only you two find funny).


A good start would be to watch a comedy together, since it gives a few jokes and laughs that you can share together. It will also give you an insight into what type of humor she has so you know what the boundries are. Plus this helps in establishing those "personal" jokes that only you and her could share.

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if it isn't in your nature to be "funny" you are going to be hard pressed to just become it.


Women should like you for who you are...telling a few jokes may get their attention...but it's who you really are that makes them stay.


I'm sure you have many qualities already about you that you could bring out more that would make you stand out...

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You wanna be funny....lets see um....first of all, you shouldn't have to try, whether you like a girl or not, you just need to practice, get into conversations more, you'll become more relaxed and easily funny having a good time. This will be a definite plus when you get to a girl that you're head over heels for b/c if you show her that you DO NOT care what she thinks of you, and you're relaxed....that's when you're doing it right. The more you think of 'what she thinks', the more you're gonna mess it up.


If anything, especially if you get to talking to a girl you're interested in....being funny, in an over confident sort of way even...it sets in doubt, so you have HER thinking too much about 'whether or not you like her'....from what Ive heard...some girls like that...b/c they get to figure it out on their own.

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Humor is something that come naturally, like a good singing voice or something like that.


Forced humor can be funny at times, but it usually backfires.


I wouldn't suggest trying to be something you're not because the person may fall for your fake quality, and not what you actually possess.

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Just be yourself and let your natural personality shine through. Girls will appreciate it that you can be you without having to try to impress them. It allows them to learn and appreciate the real you. Plus, the more you try to be funny, the less you will be. The funniest comments are often out of the blue comments that you would never think of if you planned them out. You may say something that you don't think is funny, but she could love them.

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I agree with everyone here, forced humor is a bit too obvious, and you will probably end up looking stupid. Being funny is hard, to be funny you have to be smart. You've all seen Mr. Bean right? Well the actor who plays him (forgot his name ) is a genius. If you want to be funny then first of all just be yourself. Also you have to act serious, don't laugh at your own jokes (it's good not to laugh at your jokes cuz if the joke ain't funny you won't look like a fool and also she will see that you are not laughing and try to stop but instead she will laugh even longer). I think that you shouldn't try to tell jokes, i mean like anicdotes. Just saying two or three words at the right time can be very funny. And you shouldn't always be funny, be yourself and let her have a serious conversation with you, you never know what she might have to say.

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