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me and this girl r really good frends and bout two weeks ago she stopped talkin to me she stopped sayin hi to me.but some days she talked to me and sit next to me and then i think she wuz ignoring me for the past few days any ideas wuts goin on and i dont think she wants to answer my IM's please help o and weve been frends since kinder

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it sounds like this girl has issues, has anything happened before this? an argument, a falling out? you need to talk to her, but dont let her get to you, shes obviously not much of a good friend if shes behaving like that, but on the other hand, something might be troubling her, something at home, do you know of any problems that might be troubling her at home?

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if you have stronger feelings for her, it could be why you're noticing more that shes being funny, but thats because she probably doesnt want to be around boys right now, because shes been rejected and things, its complicated, the best thing you can do right now is be there for her, and not get too offended when shes a little off, she needs time. but i agree with ang3l2004, you are a little young to be worrying about girls, but at the same time you cant help your feelings, so just be there for her! good luck!

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