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moral dilemma

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I have an 8 year old son and am currently single. Im nearly 30 and I want another child. I dont want a relationship with anyone in the near distant future. I have a close group of very supportive friends and one close male friend offered to impregnate me. His reasoning is firstly to help me his friend , he loves children (doesnt hav any of his own) but he still wants his freedom. My question is, is it wrong to intentionally to bring a child in this world in this way?

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Well, those kind of situations can turn very ugly. What if he decides he wants to parent the child instead of you? What if you decide to hit him up for some child support? What if you two have a falling out? Don't say it will never happen, because it happens all the time. And then the child is caught in the middle.


How about adopting a child instead? There are so many children who need a loving home and would give anything to have someone love them and cherish them. Then you don't have to worry about a third party in the situation. The child would be yours alone.

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To function and grow a flower need sun and water and in the same sense a child needs a Mom and a Dad.


Children need stability, and function by learning special behaviors from both mom and dad.


I am a single father of two boys 9 and 6. I have sole custody yet give my ex wife, who I have struggled to include in our lives, every opportunity to spend time with our boys. I have pushed to let her know that I want her to be there to raise our children.


In short, If there is stability and love your child will function but don't bring a child into this world for selfish reasons. It may be due to the fact that you feel the clock is ticking but you dont know who may come around the corner so think it over and think of the angle that you will bring into this world first.


Good luck....Sweet heart!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a child with someone that completely walked out on us, he didn't want nothing to do with her or I. It wasn't that I intentionally got pregnant, but I didn't exactly prevent it either. Yes it is possible to love a child with only being a single parent, BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT!!!!!! I would consider using a donor bank of sorts, then you do not have complications of worrying if the other party will come back, show up at random, or if you will have an option to have a falling out with them over the situation. If you decide to do it on your own, do it completely, not with someone you know.


A lot of people think being a single parent is the most God awful, selfish thing to do, but the reality is, lots of people do it because the threat of divorce, or biological clocks running out pose threat, or they foresee no possibility of getting involved.

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