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i am in love with the most wonderful guy i have ever known. i have known him all my life and he has always been there for me. we have grown up together and our parents are best friends. we go on vactions together and everything. we had a strong realtionship and we talked everyday. until one day he cheated on me with a girl at our school (who was considered my friend). we broke up and i didnt talk to him for a month or two. it was very hard to ignore his calls every night, aviod him at school. he wrote me sweet emails and letters everyday apoligizing for what he did and saying that he never wanted to hurt me. he would leave notes in my locker, send me roses, write me emails, call me every night. and at our prom night, i won prom queen and he won prom king. he made a special announcement for me and it was the sweetest thing i have ever heard in my entire life. i took him back, i couldnt help it! was that the right thing to do or no?


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U did the right thing. He made a mistake, we all do. I think this might bring the two of u closer together. U kno now that he cdares for u so much. He wrote u emails and letters, ROSES. come on hun i think its time to forgive and forget. I wish all guys were as sweet as that. Good choice.

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