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Yeehah!, we finally kissed!

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Ok, today, me and my gf exchanged presents at the end of the day, then she was getting on her bus, and right when she said goodbye, we both kinda looked at eachother, then leaned in and kissed! Finally, its what ive been waiting for! Now I got a question, after the first kiss, do people start kissing frequently right away, like everyday? So would it be normal if I started just giving her kisses? Im so happy, Ive been like flying all night now! (also, if we say anything about it, should I let he rknow, she is the first girl I kissed?), thanks in advance

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Well... when I was first kissed with my g/f (which was like 3 months ago) after that day, we started getting a little more closer - we were both shy to kiss a bit after that, but I kissed her after about 3 days again, and after that; we kissed daily- still do... like I JUST got back from movies with her (her bday today and we all went to Tim hortons (group) and just talked, when we had to go; we just not-shyly (I dont' know the word ) kiss. You get used to it..


and congrats

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Congrats man! I remember when I got my first kiss, it felt like my lips were tingling all night long after that.


Yeah, you will know when the right time to kiss is. You don't have to feel obligated to do it, just whenever you feel like sharing that with her again. You can save it for the next time you say goodbye or just out of the blue. It might surprise her, I'm sure she's as happy as you are.


If you want to initiate it but aren't sure how, a good way to start is if you guys are just going for a hug, you can pull away slightly and look her in the eye and then at her lips and then lean forward a little bit. She'll respond. Well, what am I saying? You've already done it once!


Don't force it, it'll come again.

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i just kissed my girlfriend for the first time two days ago when i brought her back to my house. we were talking, and i just leaned in and we kissed. it wasnt a great kiss, i messed it up. so i drove her home at midnight, and walked her to her door, and then we kissed, but this time i was too worried about what my dad had called me for (he sounded pissed off), so i cut it short to hurry home, and felt guilty that i just sort of barely kissed her. so today, i went to her house and hung out with her for a few hours, and we just talked and were hugging, and when i was about to go, we made out for a few mins, then she walked me to her door and we hugged and kissed each other. so yes, it comes a little more natural everyday (in my past relationships i didnt start off the relationship so bad =\ )

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