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worried for something or nothing???

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Me and my bf work together, thats where we met. Everything has been going great, until a couple of days ago. There is this girl who is the flirt at work and she flirts with any good looking guy that she comes in contact with, including my guy. No big deal, or so I thought. Other people have his cell number(he is a manager)but not a lot of people who don't need to have it. So anyway, I knew this girl has had his number for a while but like I said no big deal, I'm(was) secure enough with us. I'm getting really jealous of this girl because of the way that she is with him. BTW, no one knows that me and him are an item(it's not really encouraged). The other day, she was talking on the phone, which I just assumed it was with him, just by the way she was talking, being really quiet and not answering or talking completely when I walked into the room. I overheard her telling this person not to text message her at work, and that she had to go because it was time to leave and she was still at work. So when she left, I did redial on the phone and it looked like it was his number, but I'm not certain because I had to hang up because she walked into the room, so I'm not sure if the last few digits were actually his. You see other people who have a cell at our work have basically the same numbers with the exception of the last couple or so.


He treats me wonderfully and we were at our Christmas party over the weekend and when he greeted me, he put his hand on my back and rub it for a few seconds. He didn't do this to anyone else the entire night,not even to her. Yes they did talk but that was it. While we are at work, he does look for me if I'm not in my area when he stops by. Not so with her. We talk about things, including some of his work duties, but again she knows nothing.


I just want to know does it look like I have something to worry about with her and him, or am I just be insecure and letting her get to me? She is the type of girl who loves the attention and if she doesn't get it, she will do try hard to get the attention.

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Hey Star,


I don't think that there is enough information here to be concerned. You don't sound sure that the number you saw was even his, and that there are many which are very similar. In situations like this, and when you're jealous, your mind can definitely play tricks on you.


Question: who doesn't want others to know about the relationship between the two of you? Is it because you work together and don't want any friction to develop among other co-workers? Hush-hush relationships are definitely not something that I've ever dealt well with.

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Both of us would like to keep our relationship quiet. Yes, it could cause a lot of friction with him being my boss. Plus a few months ago, another couple lost their jobs within the region because they were intimate. If word gets out, one of the persons has to be transferred to a different region. So you fall into a long distance relationship which is very hard, so it is better to keep these things quiet.

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Just my two cents,


I feel right now you shouldn't be too concerned seeing as you don't know how they talk or if it as much as you think. When you're in a constant worry about something, your mind can play tricks and emotions lead you to something which may not be happening at all. However, do keep your eyes open and just be aware and mindful. You know some things about the woman in whom you're dealing with. Sometimes flirting is flirting. But if she has his number, and seems to be frequently getting in touch more and more, then its time to approach. But approach off the job and think about how this interaction may deal with your profession later. (Aka water cooler talk, rumors, drama). You don't really know if it was his number, but remember most of the time woman's intuition is always on to something. Take care. We're listening. Peace.

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