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Girl giving signs of attraction but has a recent boyfriend!


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Im not sure where to begin, but if this isnt enough information let me know and i'll post what you need. Here goes:


I am part of a close knit of friends (There is only two blokes in a group of about 8 or 9 of us - all 17/18 years old). Recently, i have become better friends with a girl from this group and we text each other a lot, chat, go out a lot (in a whole group) and i have been going round her house quite a bit aswell. Now fairly recently (Within a month or so) she seems to be showing a lot more interest in me.


I was round her house today, and she was giving me signs that she likes me such as: touching my arm (does playing a tune on my arm a number of times, laying all over me, and poking my stomach when i was sorting out my belt with my shirt up count as an attraction thing?), she complimented me (I really like your belt), she asks me questions (stuff like how was your day etc, obviously nothing too inquisitive cos we pretty much know most about each other anyway now), she has asked to make future plans (Specifically shopping in a couple of days - she asked me) and major eye contact.


My predicament comes because a couple of weeks ago she got a boyfriend. Now this seemed to me to put her out of reach, but when i first asked her about him she said she wasnt sure if it was what she wanted and she still seems a bit wary and uneasy when talking about their relationship.


What i would like to know, and hopefully you guys can answer: Is this girl interested in me or are we just good friends?

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wow dude your situation is almost exactly like mine except she didnt call him her boyfriend just wasnt sure if he was bf material. I'm taking this girl out tonight too get to know her better. It sounds to me like she is interested. The way I look at it friends dont touch each other in that way. I mean when was the last time you layed on one of your buddies? Just take her out by yourself.

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That is a very good point actually, friends dont act that way f they are just being friendly. But i dunno about the taking her out bit. I guess we could go just as friends, but it may seem a little weird. Im good friends with her boyfriend so i dont think it will be a problem wih him. I guess i'll see how stuff develops, thanks for your help.


Anyone else got a view on this

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crush's and feelings will pass. if this girl's is going out with your friend and flirting with you, she obviously doesn't really have a respect for your friend or your friendship with him. who knows, if you two do end up being an item, she might as easily flirt with another guy around.


these girls aren't worth the hassle. i'd stay away from her.

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Its really hard to say the whole situation through this. This guy is someone i know through school, so he is a friend but not a good friend oranything like that. She said she liked him a lot as friends then on a drunken night out said she liked him more than that, but she's not sure she does or whether she liked their friendship so much she thought it would be a good idea. Well anyway, im gonna wait for her to make the moves. If she really likes me, she'll leave him but im not gonna say anything to her about it

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