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im BEYOND confused


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Heres my BIG problem....

i really like this boy, i mean cant stop thinking about him, and he knows because a few weeks ago everyone found out and they have told him that they know ive got a crush on him. so his friends used to come upto me and told me he wouldnt go out with me, eventhough i technically didnt say anythin. loads of people have asked me if i do like him or not, and i just said No...althou i do... i just said it because everybody kept on at me. anyway... today in history i was siting down with my 2 friends sam n loren, then sam came upto me and said 'someones told me to ask you this so im going to, do you still like matthew?' i looked at her and said not anymore why, then she said 'because he fancies you,' then she hugged me and sat back down. then in english dean(matthews friend) started to write on a piece of paper matthew loves me, and started telling me that he fancies me, and matt was next to him and just sat there and didnt say anything. then dean asked him loudly does he fancy me, and he said yes, but i dont know whether he was joking or not becuase it doesnt seem like he does. and he has been stareing at me all day...

can somebody please help me,,, i am desperate 4 advice!!!!!!!!!!!!

any advice would be great!!!!!!


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temporarily...yeah, you will...but there isn't any getting around that...but at least it puts an end to how rediculous you feel NOT knowing...and that could go on a lot longer if you don't just face it...and the teasing from your friends will stop.


think about it this way...


guys have it a lot worse off than girls do...they are usually expected to be the ones who approach someone and ask things like that...now if they can do it all the time and still be able to get on with life...I bet you can handle it this one time...


besides...I have a feeling he probably does like you a bit...he wouldn't put up with his friends teasing...


you aren't mad at your friends for the teasing, because they are actually right about what they are saying...if they teased you about some guy you really hated...you'd be all over them to cut it out...same probably goes for him.

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thanks! that really good advice! yeah it does blag my head not knowing whether he likes me or not. naw im not mad at them 4 it, but it blags my head because i feel like he is uncomfortable around me, but everyone is saying he fancies me back. i think he might like me, so i think i might ask him! thanks alot!

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Yes, I remember being in High School and fancying a girl a year below me, then word got out and before I knew it, her pals and my pals were teasing me AND her! We both liked each other and sort of became pals on a school trip abroad.


The sad thing is though, I never done what I should have, and go up and ask her out. Then there would have been no shame, either a Y or N, people would have eventually layed off the teasing.


What I'm trying to say is that it may be hard for you......but it will be even harder in future if you start to look back on this and ask yourself "what if??".


So, ask him, if he is decent at all, he'll appreciate it, and if he really does like you, then he'll love it! I bet all this teasing has made him shy towards you!


Best of luck.

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Your welcome!


Of course he'll keep quiet in front of his mates, I suspect he is shy about this infront of them and you after all this teasing round the place!!


What to do is to get him on his own, (this will take some guts) go up to him lets say, at break time, ask him away from his mates for a moment, if he likes you as you suspect, he'll follow and then ask him if he wants to spend time with you outside of school. Do not worry about what his friends may think or say......the chances are the'll be a tad jealous a girl has approached him (the guy your after) in this grown-up way.


Remember if you make the effort and he doesn't, then at least you've tried!

Keep us posted!!

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