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help me out ppl!

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I need some advice

I am 15 and i have been dating a 20 year old for about a month now. We met in my homtown but i recently moved away this summer. I know his family very well and he knows mine. Is this too much of an age gap? Hes been going through some hard times at home lately and I really wish I could help him. We talk all the time and I feel like Ive known him forever. He assures me all of the time that he cares and taht his feelings are true. Am I doing the right thing? I know that my feelings are true. I am also the type of person who does not fall easily for a guy- and I find it scary to give my heart to someone- could this be the real thing? I need some different views- please help me out, i just dont want to set myself up for failure

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You say you moved so I take it you arent seeing each other now?? You just talk on the phone or computer, is that it? Either way, I would say to just take things one day at a time and see how your relationship develops. As far as the age gap, 5 years is not that large . Does he still live at home? Does he have a job? What about you? Can you give a few more details?

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  • 3 months later...

hey...im kind of in the same situation you are. im 15 years old and ill be 16 on september 23. im going out with a guy that will be 20 may 31. and he recently moved an hour away but he comes and visits me every weekend and sometimes during the week and he calls every day. but still everyone keeps saying that our age difference is gonna split us up...so if you have found out any thing plz tell me

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It's not really a good idea for anyone to be seeing someone that is not legal. Not saying that you two are having sex, but if it ever came to that, you both could get into a lot of trouble. I think that people in high school should date people that are going to high school, once you are out on your own then you have free range and can date whatever age. It's just that you mature a lot in those years- fundemental development at your age. And I hate to say it but all a 20 year old has on his mind is sex. And I don't want to see you do something that you don't want to do.

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Oh boy I must be drinking or something I didnt see that you were only 15. Let me just say that at that age, 5 years can be a really big gap in all ways and then there is the legal issue as well. If you were 20 and he was 25 THEN the gap would not be so great , but for now, you cold remain friends and who knows in a few years maybe things could take a turn, but I advise you against heading into something serious where sex is involved. It is NOT LEGAL mainly but there are other issues about maturity and responsibility that also can cause giant problems.

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