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Making friends

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I am moving to Ottawa, Canada next year from Australia and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how I could meet people online from there so that when I move I won't be starting from scratch completely when making friends.


I did a search on messenger and there are tonnes of people there however I feel a bit intrusive and strange introducing myself via email on something like that as essentially thats not what it is for. The only other sites I can think of are dating ones and I want avoid using those as they aren't really appropriate.


Is anyone out there from Ottawa or does anyone have any suggestions?


Thanks in advance

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I suggest going there and start from scratch. Everyone's like that when they go to a new place. If your still schooling theres lots of ppl u can meet through clubs etc.


Getting to know ppl online and actually meet them is.... awkward.


Getting to know ppl the conventional way is much more appropriate.

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I also agree with winkybear. Im sure that when you go to there you will meet a lot of people your own age who you will get to know. If you have trouble meeting people then put yourself in social situations by going out to clubs, bars or other places where you can meet those who share similar interests to you.


When you get there make sure that you introduce yourself to your new neighbours and invite them round for a drink or a meal, im sure they could also give you some great advice on social places to hang out.

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