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I have a terrible problem sleeping. I find I'd rather write or read... I work 2 jobs but I never have any signs of being sluggish or tired at work.


I really like sleep but I never can go to sleep until 2 hours before I have to wake up.


I always have all my work done and I'm never late so I don't know what I could be worrying about. Right now I'm writing this because I'd rather be asleep.... any tips//pointers?

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this guy i knew had a similar problem. he was very stressed out and couldnt relax. he tried meditative exercises in bed like tensing one muscle at a time and then releasing it from his toes up to his head. he also tried aromatherapy. you might want to drink warm milk or make sure you have a relaxed environment before bed (ie: no tv, no lights, no noise) i dont know. how long has this been going? i suggest if it starts to affect your daily life you should see a doctor if basic exercises dont work. dont resort to over the counter drugs/pills, it worse in the long run

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hi there,


I know exactly what you're taking about. Im the same way...I can go hours without sleep and it never affects me in anyway and i have no problem getting up in the morning.Everybody's sleep patterns are different. some of us function better with more sleep, others with less.


Try not to worry so much on wanting to be asleep because this puts your subconscious mind into the mode of being "awake". What I mean is when your mind is constantly focused on one thought it will do the opposite of what you wanted, so try thinking of something else, something relaxing to make you "tired".


I wouldnt't suggest any sleping pills or anything like that, but I usually would drink something warm like tea or coccoa to relax me when i want to be asleep, hey it might work for you! good luck

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Hi Pal,

That sounds like u are pretty fine. Lolx! Just stay cool and have enough rest, that would be okay!


Well for me, if i dun sleep enough for the day, i make it up in the nite. If i dun sleep enough in the night, i make it up in the day. Or for ur case, how about using weekends to compensate ur sleep?


Haha! I manage to re-adjust later in my life and now i dun have sleeping problems. Are u facing some sort of problems that cause ur sleeplessness? lolx

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