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Can anybody relate or give some advice?

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Ok, heres the deal, There is something wrong with me right now, both physically and mentally, Im not sure what it is, but here are all my symptoms: I cannot sleep, Im lucky if i get a couple hours a night, this is been goin on for 2 weeks, extreme loss of appetite, I dont eat breakfast, or lunch and a very small dinner, and im not hungry, black outs, blurred vision, low concentration, lack of energy, ( I am usually very active, I used to work out 3 times a week, but I havnt felt like doing it for awhile now, I just forced myself too and finished 5 minutes ago, but couldnt do it for long), I get stressed ot very easy, and Im always stressed now, I flip out on people really easy, I never used to flip out on anyone, Im not acting myself, lost my sense of humour, have hard time talking to my friends and family, and dont like to be around them, I dont have enthusiasm for anything right now, I havnt worked on my car in awhile, and I feel sad alot of times. I dont think its depression, because there is nothing extremely serious going on or traumatizing in my life right now, I think Im going to go to the doctors and get osme blood work done, has anybody else felt this way or experienced anyting like it?

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I live it every single day... You just described my whole life style, except that I have no trouble talking to a few friends... but I dont really eat, low energy and sad all the time. It's just how I live but, it does sound like depression. You dont need something traumatizing in your life, to cause depression.


For some people, depression is more of a disease that requires medication to help correct a chemical imbalance in their brain.


I would suggest going to a doctor and letting him know how different your life has become.


Best of luck to ya bud

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Have you been to see a doctor? I see you're in Ontario, like me, so seeing a doctor will not cost you any money only time.

It could be more physiological than psychological but only a doctor will be able to figure it out. It is not good that you have not been sleeping and you have no energy those are symptoms of any number of illnesses, physical or mental.

Tell the doctor your symptoms and let him or her take it from there.

If you don't have a doctor go to any walk-in clinic you know of and remember to take your health card.

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Theres probably nothing medically or mentally wrong with you, now i'm not saying for sure obviously,it certainly wouldn't hurt to see a doctor, but the fact alone that you are not eating is going to cause all the things you describe.


I know you've no doubt heard this line many times before but getting into a downer is part of growing up-i'm not saying that everyone goes thru what you are going thru, but in my experience alot of people do, myself included. I went thru the exact same things you described at your age - wasn't eating, very moody, shut off friends, my grades dropped- i just genuinely felt i didn't care at the time.


You may not think you are under stress but it is a trying time in your life, everyone expects alot of you - to know the "who you are and where you're going" stuff, but thats all crap, just know it will pass quicker if you get out there and live you're life again- make a conscious effort to eat, and in a couple of weeks start working out regularly again (not straight away), go back to your car and swear at it for 10 hours whilst you try to remove those stripped brake caliper bolts (was the most memorable part of my old car!) You'll soon remember why you used to like doing these things and you'll feel much better.

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