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How long does it take for dumper to change relationship stat on online page?


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Why does this matter to you? Have you been dumped and are wondering why someone hasnt changed their status yet or are you the dumper who is wondering when you should change the status?


Either way it doesnt matter how long it takes. Some people are not on Facebook often and therefore do not change it straight away, others change it asap.

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Well everyone is different so there isnt a certain time limit. There are people who are glued to things like Facebook and there are others who could not care less about it. So time wise it could be anything from 5 seconds after being dumped to a week afterwards. It could be absolutely anything.

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For the dumpee, like you said, Everyone is different. For the dumpee, I guess it is when they are ready or when they want to. But, for the dumpers? They've removed themselves from the relationship. I am sure other factor will come to play. If they are busy with work or other things and I am sure changing relationship stat isn't priority. I was curious about the dumpers. I know, such a weird subject.

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My ex broke up with me and later told me that he was planning to wait a week before taking down our relationship status because it hurt him too much, but I had signed into facebook and took it down as soon as he walked out my door. When I realized he didn't want to get back together, despite his tears and him saying "You're the only girl I want" and "I can't call you my ex", I blocked him.

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I made my relationship status hidden as soon as he broke it off because I was not ready to change it. He took two months to change it (even though he was with someone else). He also still has my name on the door of his building (I went to drop things in his mailbox not stalking lol). I wonder how that goes down when she comes to visit him hmmmm...

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