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what s the difference?

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One of the things they advise guys to do to have more success with women is maintain eye contact when both look into each other's eyes. If the guy looks away, it shows weakness/shyness/lack of self esteem. To answer your question - it really depends on the person or situation. Looking away is usually indicative of shyness.. but if a person you like does it, it could mean the person like you, or it could be a combination of both.

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As a constant offender of looking at girls and looking away I think I can answer your question.


In french thier is this girl called Vicky over the past few weeks we have been having stare out contests. She is very attractive and she often makes me laugh. I raise my eyebrow and she sticks her tongue out and pretends to lick something. This does not make me feel nervous and I like the girl i would go out with her if she asked me.


In English I look at this girl but as soon as she "catches me" I sort of panick and look away. This is my big game ive been hunting her for several years but i cant help looking away. So maybe he likes you like this.

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