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Is this signifigant (part 2)?


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Here's part one of this thread: link removed


Pretty much it's little things I happen to see and don't know if they mean anything. I'll repost the very last one I wrote plus a few more. If you happen to see a situation similar to this at your school, feel free to post and I'll (or we) will try to help out. Soh ere it goes:


#6 - If she really likes you, will she IM you a lot? In my case, I don't IM a girl all the time because, based on my experiences, a lot of things can go wrong (like she takes it the wrong way, it appears annoying or all her friends are on too). So I don't really IM the girl I like, but I dunno if she would. For example, the girl I like IMed me about the HW we had in a class for the past 2 days (and counting...?) - I made a few jokes the second time (today) to loosen things up and hopefully it worked. She "says" she accientely closed out and needed me to tell her the HW again.



#7 - If you're walking past the girl you like and she happens to be huddled with a few of her firends. As you get near them the girl you like quickly looks in your direction. Then you hear your name, from the direction of where the girl you like is. It was very much likely them. Pretty much, will they start talking about you (the pack) if that girl likes you when ur getting near them? (the question is an EDIT) This situation happened to me today, but it was short lived - some really weird, kinda messed up girl starts talking all loud to me asking why I didn't go to some meeting of a club I'm not even in (I avoid her whenever I can). Well at least the girl I like saw why I'm a Varsity sprinter on the track team lol.



Again, any thoughts on this is appreciated. If you have a question on a certain "small situation" of your own, feel free to post it.

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#6 seems pretty true to me...the girl in question in my situation doesn't really ask about homework. usually, it's "hey, what's up" or something like that, and then we will talk normally. I am taking more caution in IMing this girl all the time b/c it could give them the wrong impression.

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You have really good, and detailed questions, cool!

Anyway.. #6 I don't think a girl will IM you alot, maybe once or twice, here and there but not alot. Girls know when they seem despret and they hide it well, most wouldn't do that. Take it from me i am a girl.

#7 i don't get your question?


But i have one for you to answer for me please.


When guys look at girls, or take second glances at them, does that mean something? B/c there is this guy that i like and he knows i like him, and he looks at me, and i him, but we never talk. Does it mean something or am i just imagining things?

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When guys look at girls, or take second glances at them, does that mean something? B/c there is this guy that i like and he knows i like him, and he looks at me, and i him, but we never talk. Does it mean something or am i just imagining things?


Well if he takes a second glance, he's probably interested. You should go say hi to him and try to talk to him a little (ease into it though). If you see him in class or w/e, try to talk to him a little. If a chance to talk to him arises, go up to him. If you don't talk to him, ur not going to know much more about him than you do now. Just work on getting to know him for the beginning and work from there.


Also, if you don't talk to him or something, he'll think ur not interested and may go for another girl!! (that would hurt)

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For example, the girl I like IMed me about the HW we had in a class for the past 2 days (and counting...?).


Well, the streak is still alive at 3 ( we didn't have the class yesterday, so it didn't count as a "day").


First, before the question I just thought of, there is this kid I know who isn't all that attractive, but all the girls know him. I am a friend of his - he's a good kid but it's a mystery how he knows all these girls. I'm trying to figure out what he does - I talk to girls, but he is able to talk to the girls he knows more often and more comfortably. The problem is that when I talk to a girl, they think I like them and all hell breaks loose. How can I really start talking to them so they get the right impression?


That's just a anecdote (sp). My real question is:

#8 - What do you do if you ask a girl out after reciecving some pretty given signals that she likes you, but she says she has a bf? This has a possibility of not being true, and someone said it may be a test. How would you react to something like this? Since I had to go right after I asked her, I couldn't really say what I wanted to and I dunno what to do (this was two weeks ago). I can't tell where I stand right now. She's giving me mixed signals - she asks me what the HW is every day online, but she isn't a great talker in school (not just to me - to a lot of people). When she does talk though, she's pretty cool.

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