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aww i remember when it was my first kiss i was absolutely petrified about it!! she will do it in her own time dont worry, after she has done it she will wonder what ever she was worried about!! just make her feel as comfortable as possible as she will kiss ya in no time! Im sure she is just worried that she will be really bad and think you would finish with her over it or something! just make her feel relaxed and just wait till she feels comfortable! maybe she could start thinking about just kissing her??? she might be too scared to make the first move?? once you start kissing her she might realise its not so bad!? hope that helps x

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If you do that, then she might get scared, think that you're moving way to fast, and break up with you...


Women especially do it a lot... It's called a knee-jerk reaction.


You should just pay her lots of attention... Never push her to do anything.... Especially in public *Tongue firmly in cheek, but I DO mean kissing!*.


Hope it helps.




XxX xXx

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just walk slowly up to her, and look deep into her eyes. gently put your lips to hers, for a few seconds. put one of your hands on her waist, and the other on the back of her neck, but don't pull in. if she pulls back, let her. if she seems horrified, say 'i'm sorry. i can wait until u are ready for it.", or something like that. she seems a lot like me, and this is what i want a guy to do. i hope this helps.

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