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Is forgiveness the right thing to do????


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Me and my girlfriend started going out about 7 months ago, the relationship went on for about 2 months and it started to go down hill after another month we split up after a fight and i was gutted we were apart for 3 months it which timeshe met other people but i didnt because i missed her and i did hope we would get back together as we were still friends.


So... about 1 month ago we talked and we got back together and it was really good everything was better until last week we had an argument and she admitted seeing her EX and cheating on me!!


I am a nice guy and have a generally nice personality and i always try my best with the relationship and she said she was sorry and so i didnt get angry and i forgave her.


but there is still those thoughts in the back of my head and stuff and i wonder did i do the right thing.


can anyone help????

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Personally if you don't think you did any wrong, IE not paying her attention, Causing fight etc. I would not take her back, my girlfriend cheated on me, but i forgave her because i cheated as well, it was a really rough patch and we both just needed to feel needed which we weren't giving to each other.


So if you did nothing wrong don't forgive her.

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eh... did she see her ex while you were apart but not after you got back together?


if that's the case then I think you need to go chill...



if she's been seeing her ex this entire time, you have the right to get mad, but you also should think hard about yourself and the way the two of you treat your relationship. if your relationship isn't so rocky and if the two of you aren't breaking apart and getting back together all the time, would she even think about seeing her boyfriend? do you really expect her to only date you when you can't even make her happy?


still, i think cheating's wrong and you have the right to be mad. >>; if it's a relationship where you fight and break up all the time, just leave. it wont' be worth it in the end anyways.

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She was seeing her Ex after we got back together i thought everything was ok it was rocky at all and we only broke up once


you may think oh he must not be paying her enough attention or something like that


but this isnt the case i do my best to make her happy and she never has cause to complain as i said i am a nice guy and i do my best in this relationship.


i dont know why she did it, but i know i didnt deserve it


so as you can tell i dont know whats happened but i do love her and thats why i stay

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Do you really love her?? Sorry to ask but after my relationship ended i thought i was totally in love with my ex, but when we got back together, i realized i really wasn't happy and drove her away...because i wasn't happy. The relationship was good i did everything for her, i think its just a connection that should be there when two people are together.

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A piece of advice.. .never take back a person who cheated on you, it can't and will never be the same again... and espcially when she did it while u were together with her.. thats... very nasty of her... dump her... and move on.. its hard and u will suffe,r but a person who does this haven't commited fully and will only hurt u more in the future.. thats my opinion.

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