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This shy guy needs some advice

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Hows everybody doing? I do okay with 1 on 1 conversations but put me in a group I might as well not even be there, and I also do that akward silence thing and I hate that when I got nothing to say. There is this girl i got a date with her finally and Im having trouble telling if she's is intrested its like on and off type of thing she say's she in to me and im defanitly in to her, but it always seems like a friendship type of thing. How can I get past this?

I don't get to see her that often either going from class to class, I always miss her, so I dont get that much of a impression on her from me from day to day.

SO i guess what can I do to get her to think of me more than just a friend and just think of me more.


man thats good to get off my chest,

so I guess if anybody can give me some pointers it would help alot.

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One thing with shyness is your scared to take chances. You gotta just not think and just act. Remember this. When your thinking of saying somthin to her or doing somthing, and you start to think, "Should I or Shouldn't I" Just shut ur damn head up and do it, instead of aksing those quesiotns in ur head, say this "Too late I did it." and then see what happens. You'll find you'll get past that shyness in no time, and she'll think your more interesting immediately. Because you'll seem confident, and chix dig confidence. I meen if your not saying anything completely stupid then whats the worst thing that can happen? I cant think of anything too bad? like take this scenario for example of what I did just about a motnh ago. I had a couple of friends over and my little sister whos only 1 grade lower had her friend over (her friend is really hot and ive had like a lfing with her before, done sum stuff once but never spoke of it again.) Any way her friend was taking a shower and me and my friends were like right out side the door hangen out on the stairs and my sister was way in my room listening to music, so she was out of the way. Right so my friend KC reminded me how the locks in my doors in my house can open just by like sticking a stick or close hanger in the hole and opening it, and he dares me to open up the door, pretending it was unlocked, and go "oh damn sorry...need a hand?" ahahaha so im like "yo that would be soo jokes" but i coudlnt do it, I was like thinking and discusing with him "should I, nah i cant, but what the worst that can happen? nah still im too shy." so my friend KC ses "shut the f*ck up and do it, you think too much, you wanna do it but ur too shy, so just throw ur self in the room, and see waht happens" so im like right on, dont think. I open up the door (my shower has liek clear fogged glass, so we like see her naked pretty much) she makes like a little squeel, i say "hey, need a hand" she goes "Jonathan, (thats my name) Shut the F*cking door!" ahahahah so i do, she comes out like 5 minutes later wit a towl on, just gives me an evil smile and ses "you stupid jerk, you knew i was in there.", lol that was it man. i didnt listen to my thouhgts, just acted, saw naked chick and had fun with no down side. you get me. So if u can apply this to ur daily living, in less stupid ways, then youll have a better time. Just stop thinking and start acting. Hit me back with what you think about this idea.

good luck.

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grow some nads. open the lines of communication. the only way to see how she feels about you is talk, tell her how you feel about her, that is the best way, one on one. always smile, destroy your insecurites by being confident. you're dating her, she chose you, whats there to worry about. and there wont be good opportunites, you have to make them.

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