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how to know when a girl likes ya

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I like this girl in my class at school i like but i'm to shy to ask her out.Now all friends know i like her.My two berst friends says i should make a move but don't wat to say.I think these r signs see gives ta me- see kicks me,punched me in the back, filrted once etc... One time my two friends almost forced me to dance wid her but i didn't cause the song was over.My other friends said i should give her present for christmas but i don't feel like.the gir knows i like her.Wat should i do plz give advice

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grow some nads kid. make small talk with her first, like say hi to her in the hallway, smile at the sametime. ask her how her day was, how shes doing. find out what kind of person she is, is she easy? is she picky? if shes easy ask her out now! and if shes picky, give it a month or so then ask her out, dont make it seem like a date, just ask her out to lunch. and there wont be any good opportunities to make the move, you have to make good opportunities. dont get her a present unless shes your girlfriend, you dont want to buy a girlfriend.


btw she sounds very rough, i like that. did she ever spank or touch your booty ever?

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she picks on u


Rmeinds me of a funny story today - some group in my class was presenting a project and they wanted to ask a few questions to see who was listening (they were on a sheet they gave us too). This class is relatively easy, so I'm taking a nap and also building my little "hut" so they can't see or call on me. Damn girl (who I don't like, but I know her) calls on me for te first question. Needless to say, I got it wrong lol (I didn't even hear the question).


But I guess that could be a sign. If it hasn't been said before, she'll "be there" more often and give you a few looks. She will also so interest in whatever you are doing. She also smiles a lot, her body language is towards you and she plays with her hair. There are a million more signs- those are just a couple I can name off the top of my head.

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