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Hey, I could use a little advice here. I am a 17 year old female by the way. Sometimes my emotions are so whacked out that I can't function during the day. If I wake up and I feel "bad" mentally, I won't even go to school. I don't like getting into this routine but I don't know how else to deal with myself sometimes. My emotions just seem amplified right now and I don't know how to calm them down. Any advice?

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oh for crying out loud illegal drugs are not the answer.


what you are experiencing is the beginning of depression & by giving in to it, not going to school just because you don't feel like it....is only going to make your problem worse. Your grades will suffer, which will make school harder, which will make your parents angry with you, which will just cause you more stress than you are probably already under.


At 17, you are still a huge mass of hormones...and that can be partly to blame...some people are also affected when the weather turns colder...thy are less inclined to want to get out and do things...but life still has to go on and the only way to get out of the funk you are in...is to MAKE yourself do things that are productive.


Quite possibly, you end up in a not so nice mood in the morning because you aren't allowing yourself enough time to sleep at night to feel rested. The more nights you deprive yourself of sleep, the worse you feel...and it is a misconception that you can "make up" that time by being lazy or sleeping during the day...people have different sleep patters at night than they do during a day of cat napping.


Put an end to skipping school immediately though...don't ruin your future over a temporary case of the blues.

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Ok, lets knock off the weed comments.


If you feel terrible enough that it is affecting your enjoyment of life and your ability to function, then as johnagent said its time to see your doctor. Your doctor can determine whether there is something physical going on, or whether you might have chronic depression.


Yes it might be simple PMS or hormones or something. But let a doctor make the determination.

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