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what would u do if......?

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Well, it depends on how you feel right now. Do you feel you need to forgive him? There can be many reasons why he lied to you. The thing you need to do is communicate to him on how you feel right now about the fact that he lied to you about this. Ask him why he lied to you on this concept. Answers from him may help you understand. If you feel his answers are not good enough than maybe he isn't worth your time. If you need some more help, just reply back! Hope I helped.

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thanks, i have spoken to him about it, i think the fact he lied about it (4 times) is what made me annoyed with him and we had been going out for 7 months, but more so was that everytime we were on our own he kept making excuses not to do it and it made me feel like it was me so when he told me it was kind of a relief. thanks for replying xxxx

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