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Question for Cutters...

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I have a question for "cutters"... had you heard of people cutting before you started and it gave you the idea to try it, or did you just do it, like think of it as an outlet by yourself. I'm just curious... I guess I'm just trying to understand it a little better.

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One of my friends was cutting and she just kept telling me how it somewhat "solved " her problems(made her fell better.....). I got to a point where I was out of ideas on how to deal with the stuff that was going on in my life, and that's when I thought about everything she had told me about cutting.....I guess that it was true, but she had somehow forgotten to mention all the trouble it was once you wanted to stop!..lol...

Hope that somewhat answered your question!

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When I was younger I used to have really long nails. When I got mad or stressed or whatever I would digg into my skin as hard as I could or as long as I could. The first time I had heard of SI was in Sept. of this year(2004) I always thought that I was the only person who did it until I started browsing the internet for major arteries and veins. Places that don't bleed a lot but have lots pf pain. And then I came accross this "cutters" site. I really thought I was the only person who SI'd

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oh i never thought anything of what i was doing i knew nothing about it. and as i go through the internet i see that there are other ways . i know when i was mad when i was younger i would bang my head on a 2x4 and as i grew up i started punching walls. i think thats when it started cuz i don't think any of my family or close friends do it.

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well my mom did it when i was younger, but that actually made me never ever want to do it. then this past year a lot of my friends started cutting, and trying to deal with that just stressed me out so much that i started doing it myself. it's not as if my friends just started cutting, and i thought it was a good idea so i started, it was more like i saw my friends doing it, hated it, but became so stressed out from them doing it that i started doing it myself. it's kinda sad when you become what you used to hate and fear...

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I had absolutly no idea about SI when I started(about 2 1/2 years ago), my father had just died and I seemed to be unable to cry or scream or be mad, I just went on with life as if nothing had happened and most of the time I felt numb but sometimes I became too much and I started feeling like I could just implode.

My uncle, who likes weapons and the such, gave me this really cool Swiss Army knife for my 16th birthday and while checking it out I accidentally cut my hand, not too deep, but a bit of blood started to bloosom and the pain actually felt good, so I did it again, and again. I would always do it in the palm of my hand because that way, though uncofortable, it wouldn't leave scars.

About a year later I saw a movie on Hallmark about a girl who cut, but like really badly and all over, I just gaped at the tv, I didn't know other people cut or that it could go that bad, it scared me mostly, and I told myself I'd never end up like that.

I know everyone must say this when they begin but I really believe it, THIS IS A HABIT I CAN CONTROL.

I've done it for quite a while and it's not getting out of hand, I think I know what I`m doing and though I know it's not the healthiest option an ocasional blade through the wrists is better than a single bullet through the brains.

All I have to say is I'm thankful my mum forbid my uncle from giving me a 38mm for my 18th.

All I have to say

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I didn't know other people SI before as I was so young when I started doing it that I couldn't have known. I'd been doing it since I was about 6 but not (cutting) anything I could see as that harmful. I started cutting when I was about 11 and I didn't even know other people did it. But I have met a lot of others since I did. I don't know why I still turn to it from time to time. It is just something that feels natural. But no I didn't know of others before I started.

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What a thoughtful question. Let me see...


Cutting is a pretty handy attention getting device. So when your family and counselors start to ignore your complaints, cutting is a way to communicate with them that is much harder to ignore.


Keep in mind, I am not addicted to cutting, or if I am, I am highly atypical of cutters. I cut about once or twice a year, and I started at a late age (eighteen).


Hope this helps!

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