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Since breaking up, my ex has changed a lot

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I'm not sure why this exactly bothers me, maybe someone can tell me. But i've noticed how my ex dresses has changed. She's also constantly changing her hair style, she just cut it and she tells me she wants to change it again. Also I look at pics of her and she's puts a considerable amount of make up on.

I feel like her personality has changed also and I don't know why this bothers me so much. Help me pls....

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She is changing and trying to gain attention from the changes. Her behavior is now more obvious to you because you remember clearly how she was. It is stressful to lose someone and she is needing affection from without. She is gaining this attention, and maybe she is also making you jealous at the same time.

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yea i think it is jealousy... I don't understand women with all the attention seeking. But sometimes i'm really turned off by how she's changed because she's not the same person anymore. When I first saw it... it kinda disgusted me. I didn't think she looked better with all the make up... but I lied and told her she looked pretty coz girls like that... i know.

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