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Any Ways to "Spice" Up Making Out??

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Hey everyone, I have never posted a question on here..so here goes..


So, what are some ways that you can "spice" up making out ? This guy was my first kiss..and when we make out we do the usually touching, and etc. I just want some other things to do..things he would like. Make it better for both of us..I LOVE it when he bites my lip or kisses my neck. Would telling him to do this more often be too pushy or imply that he isnt good at the other stuff he does? Because that is not the case!!


Just a little advice would be awesome! Thanks to all those who end up replying!

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When he kisses your neck next time... just say "I love it when you kiss my neck." Smile at him then kiss him on the lips or something (I love it when a girl looks at me, smiles, then wants a kiss... its hot).


Something to Spice up making out?... hmm play games... like, count how many kisses it takes to make you tired.... I dunno something goofy/playful.


Girls that are young are usually afraid to take the initiative. Guys like it when a girl takes the initiative fromt time to time. Guys get tired of playing the male role. Touch his face, touch the back of his head when you kiss so you control the kiss.


I dunno... those are some ideas... Look on the forums... there are a MILLION of these questions.



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