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Does he hate me or like me?

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I have had a crush on this kid, for about a year. The problem is, he's always had girlfriends so, I never got the chance to let him know becuase I am not the type of person who tears two people appart (I know how it feels to have that happen).


Anyway,sometimes he teases me and makes fun of me, for no reason. But sometimes he's super nice. For example, one day he'll be calling me dense one minute and laughing at me. The next day he'll be asking me how everything's going or inviting me to a party. We talk outside of classes sometimes and in class he's always looking at me. But He has a girlfriend too, which my have something to do with the mockery.


I guess my question is: Why are guys such rollercoasers? And what does this mean when they have a girlfriend?


How often to guys like another girl when they are teken?

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well it seems to me like he likes you. now the fact that he has a girlfriend confuses me. if the guy didnt like you i dont think he would bother with you. if he makes fun of you and then trys to be nice that most likely means hes trying to get somethign to work. But tahts just my opinion, others may think different.

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I agree, it does seem like he likes you. I don't know why else he would act like that. Maybe he just isn't sure if you like him back.


However, even if he did like you, its not like anything can come out of it right now since he has a girlfriend. Just keep being friends with him for now.


Obviously don't tell him that you like him while he has a girlfriend, but I think you should eventually tell him.

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Personally speaking, I will bother a girl even if I don't like her "that way." I just like to joke around with girls and treat some of them like bratty sisters. This doesn't mean I like them as more than a friend. He might be attracted to you, but if he has a girlfriend, are you sure you want to go through with pursuing him?

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Personally speaking, I will bother a girl even if I don't like her "that way." I just like to joke around with girls and treat some of them like bratty sisters. This doesn't mean I like them as more than a friend. He might be attracted to you, but if he has a girlfriend, are you sure you want to go through with pursuing him?


No, I'm just curious if it's possible. Like I said, I wouldn't ruin anything betwen him and his girlfriend.

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