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What turns girls on?

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Intellect primarily,

an inquisitive/creative personality,

outgoing & friendly,

attractive (taller than me is awesome, I'm 5'9". I also used to model..)

Someone with a good sense of humor


Someone a little crazy/quirky/original. There are some people who are just a bit too ordinary, I can almost predict what they're going to say next. Someone a little off-the-beat is good..

Guys who are sorta deep - i.e. reflective, write poetry is cool..(this isn't a requirement but the guy I currently like is a poet so..maybe he's the ideal

They should have similar interests. Guys who are goal-oriented and career-driven also turn me on, because I'm very much like that. (I'm a pre-law student.)

Guys who are contradictory. I don't mind if a guy plays hard-to-get or is a bit standoffish/shy at first..it makes it more of a challenge & shows he's not so ordinary, a bit more interesting..


When I talk with people I usually get bored with surface level conversations - i.e. about tv shows (I don't watch TV except for news, so..I really haev no idea about that besides reruns of Simpsons & Family Guy I guess) and sports (I don't watch them.) I like analytical conversations about philosophy or politics (that's my field of study), or just anything somewhat intellectual.. You can imagine I haven't had many boyfriends though..like one. So I'm sorta cutting back some of those expectations. A guy who is somewhat intelligent (probably won't be as goal-driven or as quirky as me that's ok..), and physically attractive/good looking and friendly/nice is all I really care about now...you sorta have to lower your expectations after a while..

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Just thinking about my last post..these qualifications are pretty idiosyncratic..like personalized. It varies according to age and personality..a 37 yr old doctor will have different conversations and want different things in a potential mate than your average 14 yr old guy.


I'd imagine a more typical list for a 16 yr old girl (like my sister is)


1. Looks (my sister is really pretty and won't date a guy until he's 'really hot' according to her. I don't care as much, but we're different..)

2. Good personality - you guys get along well. My sister likes the shallow conversations about the latest OC episode or whatever else is on nowadays..but also someone who respects her for who she is..like all girls really.

3. Humor - someone who can just be cool, confident & get a laugh every so often I imagine..

4. Confidence - this is really important to me too, and to most girls..


that's it basically. It really depends on the girl. If the girl you like is shy she will probably like shy guys as well..not not necessarily. My best friend is shy but she likes really outgoing guys, although they don't go for her much..it takes a compromise.

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What turns girls on?

Naked men ....JK


Someone with a good sense of humor who is comfortable with himself is pretty sexy. If he is interested in me... then I will most likely be interested in him too and what he has to say. So make eye contact and ask her about herself. Get her to feel comfortable with you.


and if you can make her laugh....even better

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Authenticness- Someone who takes pride in being himself. Not a crowd pleaser. I can easily sense when a guy's trying to be who he's not. Someone who takes pride in whatever it is in his life. If he drives a beat up car, and he's proud of it, then that's great! Makes him look even cuter! Doesn't buy into this image of how people should dress. Not materialistic. He's his own person. Has his own style: uniqueness. (Not your typical Steve Urkel though).


Good Heart - I'm tired of liars. One thing's for sure, when a guy has a good heart, I can easily sense that he does, simply by the little things that he says or does. He doesn't play games, isn't pretentious, just an all around honest gentleman.


Sense of Humor (Big Plus +) - Life can throw a lot of its crap at you at times. So, it's best to be around people who can sit back, and laugh at the little things in life sometimes. It doesn't always have to be depressing. Someone who knows how to shrug things off, doesn't come off as uptight.


Humbleness- If he puts others ahead of himself, and takes compliments lightly, by not getting things to his head too much. Nice guy, in general. I'm also tired of the whole spheal on how nice guys finish last. Not true at all. Trust me. Women like nice men. It just feels endless, because it's hard to know if we know if we can trust a person or not.


Responsible- About his life, has his head on straight, has goals. Not a druggie, not a gang-banger, none of that.

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Every girl is different in some respects. it all depends on what they have experienced and thier preferences. But in my most humble opinion, I feel as if most of the girls I bump into demand WAY TOO MUCH from guys. I mean alot, someone Godlike in quality. Even weirder is that these types will ofetn go for the bottom-of-the-barrel type of guy. But so far here is what I have learned that turns girls on.....


height: gotta be tall


muscles: i can understand this one but it is as if us skinny guys have ZERO chance


thugs: you be surprised...


funny guys: not your joke telling sense of humor guys but the type that live only to clown others, it seems as if those types hit it off good


a-holes: the whole challenge thing is very biased, other than that, i don't understand this one


peeps with expensive and flashy things: if you got a NICE car and expensive clothes and things like that, you will attract females like flies to dung


There are many more but my mind isn't quite focused right now, my apologies.

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