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Asking out a girl who is very busy....


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For those of you remember this is the girl that my friend kind of dated behind my back. Well things didnt work out with them (never really started) and i told him I was going to go for it. The problem is I have asked her out casually but she is always busy (she really is and works a full schedule and college) . I want to ask her out really bad she flirts with me a lot I know that she likes me. I dont think that I am getting my point accross that I want to take her OUT. How can I get her to see that it is more than just hanging out as friends? I see other guys giving her their phone numbers and stuff and I dont want anything to happen. Any help here would be great.

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I hate to be the one to say it, but just because she flirts with you doesn't mean she's truly into you and wants anything more. If you don't want another guy to get to her first, then you need to stop with the casual approach and tell her how you feel, or ask her OUT. Maybe ask her and if she says she's busy instead of saying that's cool, ask her when she's free and try to make a date. If she keeps blowing you off maybe back off a little. I don't mean to sound harsh at all, but I'm a girl with a busy schedule in college too that's been in a similar situation, and I'm not saying it's the same thing, but just to consider: it might be you, not her, that's not getting the point. Hope things work out, just go for it, what have you got to lose?

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You should ask her out. She can't be putting this off forever. I'm in a situation similar to yours - I've been asking out this girl and she keeps saying she's busy. You should consider how i'm dealing with it - keep meeting other girls and take your mind off of it. If a person is interested in you, they'll let you know. If they want to go out with you, they'll let you know. As long as you've tried, you've done your job. I suggest you ask her out a few more times, and if she keeps saying no, leave the ball in her court and continue meeting other girls. That way, she might come around when you least expect it and you're not all bent out of shape waiting for her.

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The only surefire way to know if she wants to go out is ASK and do it seriously. Don't say words like maybe or if you have time. Say, "I like you and I want to take you on a date tomorrow(or whatever date you choose yourself),"


Also her flirting might not be signs she likes you for sure. It might just be her personality.


Good Luck through and through.

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Speaking as a compulsive flirter myself, every guy I flirt with I do like, but not exactly in a romantic way. Nor am I looking for something more when I flirt. But having said that, there are some women who only flirt when they like someone so who's to say she's not that type.


If she's busy I agree with the posters saying just keep offering. You could even go as far as giving her your number and saying 'well I'd really like to get together when you're not busy so if you get some free time do give me a call'. It's kinda the best you can do and it puts it in her court as to whether she likes you for real or not also. I hope things work out for you. Good Luck!



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