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No Cheating but an example must be made...


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Alright, I pretty much already know what the response to this one is going to be but I feel like throwing it out to some people who's first response won't be "kick the guy's @#$!"


So my girlfriend has befriended a kid who has a huge crush on her...now I trust her. We had a cheat problem earlier this year but (A) that was with a girl and (B) this kid's kind of weird...like always has an umbrella, even on sunny day's weird. WOuld come into class rooms and refuse to sit down or answer teachers weird.


And she claims he's not a threat, and he isn't, but I feel I should do something to make it known im in charge here. One day when it was actually raining i ran into her with him and he had an umbrella up over both of them, and he gave me this jerky smile. Really pathetic moment. I'm getting drenched w/out my umbrella while they're dry. Plus whenever I see him he gives me this kind of glare. Like a "you're not a reason not to date her, you're an obstacle for me to beat."


So what do I do? Do I just let it roll off my back? Cause that's what I usually do, but man I've always wanted a "stay away from my girl" thang and he's kind of insane so maybe I should make a statement.


Why must weirdness follow me around like the plague...not that the plague follows me around...

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.... eh... leave him be while you torture him?


He can ... try... but he can't get over the fact that you and your girlfriend see him as a kid. =/ A kid's just a kid. Doesn't really matter how hard he tries he'll just be a kid and no one's going to fall for him.


Joke at his effort and make use of them. He can carry umbrellas for your girlfriend while you don't have one. He can walk your girlfriend home when you're busy... but when you have time to be with your girlfriend he won't get to be with her. ... what I'm saying is, since he's trying so hard, and is definitely not a threat, why not use him to your advantage? He can be your secret house elf... doing all the stuff you don't have time for while you get all the fun like dating her and kissing her + groping her in front of him and such.


I'd flirt with her in front of him and pay no attention to him. House elves are not to be seen.

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I think this is so cute! I can see where you are coming from when you say that you want to say something. The only opinion I can offer is this-you are most likely screwed And I mean that in the nicest possible way! If this guy is weird, then saying anything to your girlfriend about it would only make her think you are jealous and she would just tell you that your thoughts are silly. If you confront the guy, he will tell her and then she will be mad at you because you didn't listen to her.


HMMMM...I know that she most likely feels like she is helping this poor kid. I would also venture a guess that she likes the attention, even if the kid is creepy. I say hang with it. Show her that you are the most awesome bf(don't go overboard) and ride it out!


That's my advice, take it for what it's worth! Good luck!

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