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What should i do, im in 7th grade and i like a 10th grader!

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I go to a private school in my area, im in 7th grade. There is this 10th grade emily, and she is so beautiful, and i just like evrything about her, im not in any of her classes obvioiusly but i see her alot in the hall way and sometimes build up the courage to say hi....i just dont know what to do, i perosnally thing its pathetic to be likeing someone 3 years older...but its just the way i am, so id liek some advice...thanks

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Hi! If you really like this girl you should go for her! There's nothing wrong with liking people older than yourself! My aunt is really young, and she married a man 11 years older than her! I, myself, even have crushes on people older than me. So you see, you should give it a try. Nothing pathetic about it!

Good luck!


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The question is... will Emily be able to handle laughs or stares...and will you be able to handle the older boys who may also like her..........


Also... remember that women often do better with older guys because women mature faster then men do.......so you may never be on the same level of maturity as her.......and that can cause some problems........there has been studies on this since the 50's....... I know many do not agree with it.....

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It's OK. I have this same problem. I like a guy who's older than me but I don't care. I think he likes me too and I don't see anything wrong with it....Unless the girl is like 11 and she likes a 22 year old and they flirt with eachother, lol...That's just wrong....right?

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