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What's your thoughts on this one???

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well it all matters on the type of guy he is

for example a playful type of guy would complement you alot on a friendly basis, a shy guy might never do it.......

if you have a guy that your specifically talking about give me some details and ill try to help you out cause i went through something like that

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Yes, it's normal for guys, in general, to always compliment girl's on the way they look. Men tend to be very visual. I just don't like it when a guy tells a girl that they should look a certain way. When I cut my hair short there was this guy that I was sort of seeing and he told me that he only likes girls with long, blonde hair down to their waist, basically implying that he didn't find me attractive. I was like, "Well, good luck finding that girl with long, blonde hair down to her waist. I hope that her long hair doesn't get caught in the rope when you guys go rock climbing." I never saw him again.


But, I think that if a specific guy is always complimenting a certain girl he could like her or be interested. It could also mean he's a player if he's complimenting a lot of girls, though.

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There are too many variations... It depends on the guy's personality as well as the stage they're in.


In highschool, i would compliment on a girl's look because it's difficult not to when you see the person you like.


afterwards, i give compliments more on personality


now, i just tell the opposite of what i truly think. I tell the girl i like that she's not pretty or even ugly. I'm not sure why i do that though. it just seems more to the flow than to compliment them.

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Thanks for all your replies. It really helps.


But I wonder how you can tell if a guy is playful at complementing or that he is very serious? I would also classify playful if a guy complements on every girl's look the same thing. For me, I just hate when guys do that. I would find there will be no point to hear such nice words from him if he says this to every girls. The complements will then eventually loose meaning and worth. Well I don't know any of his friends tho. So I can not sure whether he does this to every girl he thinks is pretty. But I am sure there are lots of girls out there who are pretty.

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