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Hi there everyone...


I am doing a report on people's feelings about death and dying and I was wondering how many of you fear dying -- and what is your biggest fear concerning dying?


Have you ever had any vivid dreams or out of body experiences -- even near death experiences. Or UFO sightings?


Has anyone ever felt like they were dying and been rushed to the hospital and nothing was wrong with you?


Do any of you have any phobias? Like fear of open places or fear of heights?


How do you feel about grave yards, grave makers, etc?


Just to follow up on the question a little, I feel like death is a force or a power in us. That death is an energy that makes us do certain things like unexplainable events in our lives-- things that seem to have a spiritual nature and go beyond the ordinary.

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I am utterly terrified of dying... Im scared to leave my family and friends and my most priced possessions (is that the right word for it???).. IM afraid of hurting my family.. maybe leaving babies and a husband to live the rest of their lives without me.. All I want in life is to get married and have babies and I just feel that I will get married and days after giving birth I will die... I wont even get to enjoy or experience what I have waited my whole life for.


Im afraid of missing so much but when I think of it, I feel that being dead must be so boring.. I cant exactly explain it.. but I just feel like you know you are lying in a grave and all you see is black and you cant hear anything or do anything.. maybe like your mind is still alive.... but you arent... and you lie there for hundreds of years....


When my grandmother and then father died I would say goodnight to them when I go to bed and I would beg them not to come see me when I am awake so I have always had VIVID dreams with them in it.. they are so real that I wonder if I really wake up or sleep walk.. I come home from school (I was in public school when they died) and I am so excited to see them and I start crying and tell them I have missed them and what they have missed out on.. In these dreams I totally know they are dead.. but they are just down visiting me for a few hours... but Im not scared... I would be scared for real if I saw my dad sitting at the table...


Also, the night after my grandmother died (I was in Vienna Austria and coming home in two days)... I was sitting in my relatives apartment building and there was a graveyard next to the apartment building and in a window that looked down onto the graveyard I saw my grandmother floating... She had also come into my dreams the night before she died.. I hadnt seen her in 3 weeks cause I went away with my mom....


About a year after my father died I was at my best friends house... My parents and her parents were good friends and they would always get together to play ramoli. I was in the playroom and my frined called me to the rec room (where they games always occurred) and there was a chair that I always sat in and the arm peaked around the doorway and you could see it walking down the hallway to the rec room.. there was a man.. sitting on the arm of the chair... I dont know if it was my dad but I think maybe it was....


I would never in my entire life go to a graveyard at night.. they scare the crap out of me.. Im terrified of death and dead people... I have gone a few times to the graveyard where my dad is and it doesnt bother me much but I dont like walking over where the people are.. I feel like Im walking on their faces....


Ever since I was two years old I have had a SEVERE phobia of balloons.... its gotten worse each and every year.....I flip out and go snakey when they are around...


Hopefully that wasnt too long and maybe helped a bit

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I am afarid of dying. Just the taught of having to leave my husband and my little girl behind, not knowing if they are being taken care of scares me. I keep thinking what is gonna happen to me once i'm gone. Is there a afterlife, will i be able to watch over my family. I know we all have to die sometimes, but just thinking about it makes me fear it more

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Some of my favorite topics.


I never feared death until I was like my late 20's. Now I don't fear it at all. When I used to get chest pains I thought I was going to die soon and get paniced, now I get chest pains and I just think "it will just be over soon". However I do have a preference in how I want to die. I want to die a hero. Don't want to die in my sleep. I figure I amounted to very little as of now, that by dying a hero will justify my life. Now I would like to believe in reincarnation. If I knew 100% I would come back...I would start over tomorrow. When I was younger and I would have asthma attacks...I alway thought I was dying...I would be scared and cry that I didn't want to die and stuff like that. Thats as real as I could get for me as a child and facing death. They didn't have the meds for asthma like they do today.


I think I had one out of body experience but it is way too complex to explain and i'm not even sure if it was real or a dream.


I never had a near death experience such as my heart stopping, but I have been in situations where I didn't think I was going to make it out of a situation. When I took my car off a cliff in the slowmotion seconds where everything flashes before you I was relieved that I knew I was not going to die from this accident. I have also had many death threats, had guns pointed on me several times, a couple of times by police, and even attempted robbery at a stop light on my way home from work.


I never seen a ufo but I do believe in them.


My phobia is being afraid of the dark because I can't see. I have to sleep with my bed against the wall and the window in front of me, with all doors locked to the bedroom, and a pistol next to my bed. I do sleep in the dark, but any little sound I hear I jump up. I can even respond to the clicking of the outside motion lights come on.


I'm also have a slight fear of clostraphobia(sp?) and being restrained. I will panic and they will have to kill me because I'll be trying to kill them. I was handcuffed by some neighborhood kids to a pole when I was young, they threw the key in a field and left me. A cop came and uncuffed me a couple of hours later. The clotraphobis thing is something that must of occurred when I was 3 or younger because I remember having it then. It is not too bad as long as I have control. I can work in a small crawl space with no problem as long as I know I can get out.


My worst phobia is sufficating. This is because of the asthma. You put your hand over my mouth I will bust you up.


Grave yards...I like American history and I like visting and reading old tombstones. I know a few that are in the woods that I wouldn't attempt to go to, but for the most part it does not bother me that much.



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I am not afraid of dying. My belief is that I must live as if I was going to die any second. That way, death becomes my best advisor; but it's not easy for me to live like that 100% of the time.


However, I am concerned about horrible, painful death. Who likes fatal pain and tragedy?


Mostly I am concerned about dying before I accomplish certain things. I feel I have difficult reconciliations yet to attend. I would like to clear my name with certain people and make my children proud with specific goals I have in mind. Like a hero, I guess. I would prefer to go after my parents, for their sakes.


A very vivid dream I had involved driving a car off an impossibly high cliff—my ex was driving. In waking life, our relationship was in constant turmoil. As the car plummeted in open air toward certain death I tried to grab my ex for one last time kiss, but my ex was panicking and trying to crawl out the back. I felt my ex didn't get it, didn't sense the ultimate finality of the situation.


I used to fear bees and later spiders because of recurring nightmares. But I cured those phobias myself, just forced myself to face the things I feared the most. It's a good way to grow.


Graveyards are boring, if somewhat picturesque. Ghosts are highly overrated phenomena.


UFO's? Interdimensional time travelers, or angels/demons, or secret government projects. Who knows?


Out of body experience or astral traveling? Never, but still a highly coveted state. I know people who do it on a regular basis. One I knew cheated on college exam by getting out of her body.

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Those are some powerful responses!!


DirtBubble, I too am not afraid of dying. Someone else will clean up then!! I liked your vivid dream too, that was a good one!!


DBL, how did you get away from the robber? When you had the accident, how did you know that it wasn't your time?


Ready or Not, What kind of baloons, the ones that you ride in or the ones that kids have?


I guess that we all feel a sense of relief at not dying with all the guilt that we are carrying and that if it were a weird death like we were in a coma for a long time, those are frightening.


I often dream about being in different houses. Like one that I lived in when I was a young teenager. That was probably the happiest time of my life, it was the most simple then.

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Ready or Not, I am not too sure why you would be afraid of baloons...does it have to do with being small and lifting up off the ground?


For Empathy and Handsy25, I have learned that the death of the body is not necessarily the end of your spirit's journey...that at the moment of death you are reborn in a new soul, a new child.


So part of the death process is normally making good with the people that you have known here, then you move on to another life, some other place.


Handsy have you had anyone from hospice contact you? The doctor can notify them or you can call them yourself. A lot of the pain that you are feeling is called death anxiety. You have a natural fear of dying which we all have, naturally, and it is active. You can see a counselor that specializes in Thanatology, which is a spiritual look at the process of death. They probably have seminars that you or your parents can attend. It is really worth it. Contact me again if you need more information on hospice or death anxiety...

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For the car accident, as my car was sliding accross the road towards a tree, I just grabbed the wheel and in my head I knew 100% I was not going to die. I hit the tree and then went off a cliff. I do believe you know in seconds or less when you are going to die. Unless maybe if you are sleeping.


As for getting robbed...I was just getting done working hanging out my friends house. It was starting to get late and I was getting ready to leave. Then we got a phone call telling my friend that someone just robbed a store, which was near the store his daughter worked. So me and a couple of guys headed over to store to make sure nothing happened. While sitting there waiting to get robbed, we got another phone call relayed to us that some guy is robbing people at the stop lights. There are only two lights that this could happen at so I had a 50/50 chance. So after we shut the store down, everyone headed home, I lived 30 minutes away, so I headed out my way. It was almost inevitable having a work truck, knowing that I most likely had money on me...which ened up only being $10.00, cause I collected charges and checks most that day. So as I stopped at the light sure enough a guy ran up to the truck demanding my money. I told him I didn't have any. So he basically just ran off. Which was good for him...because I had a 45 sitting on my lap.



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(if this is all lower case and hard to read, sorry, i'm going through a lot of pain at the moment so i'm trying to move as little as possible.)


I'm not afraid of dying, but i'm very concerned with the pain that comes with dying. I don't like getting hurt, but if i ever find a painless way to die i'd like to keep it in mind and try it out when i lived enough.


i had a lot of vivid dreams where i can read/smell/feel pain/hear. All those things that are impossible for people to experience when they're dreaming... I had a lot of nightmares too. I never had a good dream, but there was a guy who'd always come save me before I die in my dreams... except in the last one he turned into bf and I decided to risk my life and save him instead.


I never felt I was dying and got rushed to the hospital. I'm one of those girls who'll hide my feelings so even if I'm under a lot of pain i'll let it drag on for months before I let anyone know. =/ if i go to the hospital it's usually really serious already.


i have a lot of phobias. I fear the dark, height, sudden movement, loud sound, bees, roach, mouse, being abandoned. Fear of sudden movement and loud sound gets me the most, fear of dark and height if i prepare ahead of time i can deal with them for 10 min or so. fear of being abandoned I still haven't figured out how to deal with that.


I have no problem with grave yards or grave makers. Sometimes I think grave yards at night are a bit creepy... but then I generally don't like night time.

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handzy, sorry... =/ it's awful that you have to go through that when you want to live and some people want to suicide. *hug* i hope a miracle happens and it all goes away.



Lynch, my bro had a friend who's extremely afraid of baloons too. Sometimes I think phobias aren't explainable.


My roommate's very afraid of buttons. It sounds dumb, but she's been afraid of buttons since 4. When her family tried putting clothes with buttons on her she would scream and cry. in 4th grade her bro got mad at her and spilled a bag of buttons on their family car... she never sat in that seat again. Sometimes I'll hand her something and forget that there's buttons on it (normally i take those off ahead of time), and she''ll do what I do when ppl randomly move: scream and start crying. ^^: she couldn't explain her fear either.


My mom knows this little girl who's afraid of dirt. She's 3~5 years old.. I forgot. She's a pre-schooler. This little girl will cry and cry and cry if she accidently got the tinniest bit of glu on her fingertip. If that happens she needs to change EVERYTHING she's wearing, including underwears. When all the other kids play on the playground she stands on the side watching because the playground's too dirty. When teachers ask her to have some fun she'll take out her handkerchief and cover the bars of a little push cart and use her fingers (only thumb tips and finger tips) to push the bar covered with handkerchief to resemble "playing". Mom thought her parents treat her too well, and one day she met the girl's mom... totally normal. Her mom has no idea why her daughter's so messed up either... the rest of her kids never had that problem.

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This is turning into an interesting thread!! 8)


DBL--the story about the car accident is really exciting, that was interesting that you knew right away whether you were going to die or not, I wonder if everyone has that ability or not. I guess we never know until the time comes.


The Robbery story is a good one too. I dont mean this in a silly way at all, you certainly are brave!!




Tea, you never had a good dream? One that helped you settle something in you mind? I used to dream that my head was too big to go thru a door, then I had to consciously make it smaller to fit thru a door way.


One time a dream told me to seek the guidence of a friend or someone that I felt close to to help me solve a dilemma in my life. The dream was of a neighbor that I have now, but I don't feel close to, in the dream she tells me that the key to my door is hidden in a lock box, like real estate sales men use. So from that I felt like I should take the advice of someone to understand a situation that I wasn't comfortable in.


When I first went to college, I used to dream that I was on a stair case going up very slowly and I could only sense that others were streaming by my side rapidly and easily...As I got further along in my education, the people stoppped streaming by and now I was actually passing others by. Once I had graduated, then the dream stopped.


Tea, I also thought that it was interesting that a male figure was present in the dreams. I think that in fearful situations, we often have the presense of the opposite sex.


I also used to fear being abandoned or being lost. I am not sure if I have totally concured this or not, but I think that telling yourself that what you are doing is good and for the greater good of society helps...feeling satisfied with your choices, and trying to take on less stress may help..


the baloons issue must be of one popping and making a loud sound, the buttons must be of cholking.


This is an interesting discusion... Love u all!!

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I posted a few of my dreams in the other thread.. =D just dug it out again.


Well. I hope dreams don't mean anything. ALL of my dreams are super demented... some of them even continue. For the longest time I was dreaming about being locked in an ice prison. I was actually cold and I could feel pain, which really wasn't cool. Someone kept forcing me down a slide with a bunch of ice spikes on it. Boy did it hurt... it happened every single night for 1.5 years. It was so painful being asleep.


Then... my demented dreams... hmm... I dreamed that I lived in this tiny little villiage with no more than 20 people. Someone drowned in the villiage *shiver* I didn't really care about the person that drowned... but when I went home I saw a coffin in my living room. I freaked out, went into my room and opened my drawer... wow, his corpse is there. So, I ran to my neighbor's house and asked them for help, no one believed me... and I went to the river.. wow, he's there again! ...and I went home... whaah, why is his body still in my house? He smelled too, and I could see his skin decaying when I didn't even know what a dead body looked like.


^^: None of my dreams are good, so I remember all of them.


The scariest one I had was about visiting bf after bootcamp, somehow we were in a hotel and he was going to meet us there. I supposely went with a friend... but we arrived and found that we have a roommate? Well.. then my mom showed up out of no where... the building changed itself and the routes kept changing so we got lost. We finally found our room, but only to find a monster that ripped people apart and chewed on them. So, blood splattered everywhere and people were screaming and I could smell blood... well, the monster killed the roommate, my friend, and my mom... but I was too scared to save them, so I ran, and the monster came after me... and bf showed up. I didn't want him killed so I had to stuff him in some staircase and lure the monster away. I don't think I was ever that scared in my life. I had to lure the monster far enough away so he can survive, but I really didn't want to do that at my own expense, yet I had no choice. I was just hoping I'll run into a crowd of people and it'll lose focus so I can escape and go find bf again.





I stopped remembering them though... for 2 months i haven't remembered any of my dreams. sometimes i'll wake up crying but that's all.


Oh... I used to also dream about someone running after me with a gun for 2 years... the two years of my junior high. haha. At the end of the 2 years I memorized the route I kept running through, knew all the hiding spots, and even found out where i need to go to get help. The gunman never got me again! It ended up being kind of fun running away from him.

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The car accident was a direct result of my girlfriend lying and cheating. She lied that she was home (or rather had her sister lie for her), and she was actually out cheating on me. If she didn't lie and cheat I wouldn't of been there. I only had my car for 6 weeks. One thing that popped up in my mind while my mind clicked in slow motion heading towards a tree, is "my insurance is going to go up". I knew 100% that I was walking away. I had a slight blackout after impact on the tree, and just remember the glass breaking in my face and car turning in the air, then finally the car coming to a rest on the passenger side. Everyone was surprised I walked away because I totaled the car and the tree hit my door pushing everything towards the passenger side.


The attempted robbery wasn't really that big a deal because I was already prepared for it, and I was in my early 20's and thought I was immortal. Plus I don't like people touching my money. I got into a fight in a bar over 50 cents. Everyone was giving me 50 cents to calm me down, but what's mine is mine, and he disrespected me by doing this to my face.



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